CH 48

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"Seohyun?!" Minister Seon and his highness whispered upon seeing her. "Did she fall for him too?" His highness astound to her presence. Wooyoung! That bastard! He brought in his damn niece as the witness. I should have understood his behaviour change that he was conspiring against me. Minister Seon turned his head to the back to take the glance of the sub minister Wooyoung; minister Kangh's ally.

"Your majesty." Seohyun bowed to the ground. His majesty with a stoic expression acknowledged her presence. "Royal maid Seohyun, tell us about the accuse; Jihoon." Minister Kangh stood next to her. His highness in disquiet state, stared at her. No! Seohyun is not a person to fall for Jihoon. Or did she? Did he want to kill her too? All sorts of possibilities flooded his mind. 

"Your majesty, I have faithfully served his highness for an extended period. During my time in the palace, I had observed Master Jihoon closely due to his closeness to Prince. He appeared to be a young man of great kindness and gentleness. His character seemed impeccable, and I held a positive opinion of him until an incident came to light. One day, to my surprise, he was found kissing the royal maid, Yubin." She stated. His highness couldn't believe what was being stated. He wanted to walk up to her and ask about the truth but he had to follow the court discipline. His majesty did take a glance of his highness when Seohyun paused. I was well aware that subjecting him to the trial would cloud his judgment. It's precisely why I opposed the presence of Taehyung or Jimin in this court. These nuisances, rather than diligently recording his statements, paraded him here to witness the entire spectacle. Undoubtedly, their intent was to have Jimin sway my decision in their favor. Such manipulative tactics will not alter my resolve. I cannot let them have ministers Baek and Seon put to treason. Both their families have served my dynasty since the beginning and I cannot lose both my arms at once. If what Seohyun says is true, Jihoon and Junmyeon will have to face capital punishment but I cannot have these rats uproot the families.

"I did approach him about this matter only to be shushed by master Jihoon and told not speak to anyone else. Not to any cause problem, I let go of the matter. On the night of murder, Prince Jimin had asked me to search for maid Yubin when she did not return to our quarters. I went searching for her, when I saw a crowd around the royal garden, it came to my view, prince Jimin was holding a trembling Yubin in his arms. As I came closer to his highness, I heard Yubin say prince Taehyung's friend. At that moment I was so scared to say anything that I saw." Her hand wiped a tear as she continued. "Then royal maid Y/n was appointed to serve his highness along with me." She paused for a moment, trying to catch her heaving breath to calm down. "Y/n?" his highness whispered again. She too? Damn that bastard! I can't believe that he even made a move on Yubin and now on Y/n too. Why? What would he get by killing them or me? What have I done for him to despise me? I am sure she must have been too naive to fall for him. If anyone to blame it should be me. I was too stupidly focused on taking frustration and anger on her that I paved a way to the enemy. Yet I am sure the Y/n I know would never fall for a murderer. I am sure she must have been misled.

"Master Jihoon approached her as well and they were in relationship for a long time till she was sent away with his highness. I had seen them meet several times in the palace storage room and laundry area. Their courtship was also heard by other maids in the palace." This statement had his highness turn his face in anger and disgust. You were in relationship for that long, Y/n? Was he so interesting for you to even go around the palace playing your love life. "Y/n." His jaw clenched as he took your name under his breath. "Seohyun, did you ever approach Jieun or Y/n about their relationship with the accused?" Minister Kangh put another question. She nodded her head, trying to gulp down the difficulty in speaking the truth. "Yes, your highness. I did. But they never agreed to this directly. Y/n always dodged my questions. She used to always use his highness as excuse to escape. Every time I got a hunch about them, I would try to advice her but she ignored me." His highness looked at Seohyun confusion, rolled his eyes. What would you know, Seohyun? You were barely ever there. Y/n was the only one there with me every time and everywhere. 

Long Live The King 《《 PJM 》》# Wattys2019#Where stories live. Discover now