CH 11

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Had to do some editing.

Appa and I were walking home. I was so excited to meet aunt Minseo, eomma, Oppa, Hoseok oppa, Mingyu Oppa, Jisoo and so on. While walking appa used to ask me how palace was and my work. I lied to him that it was good, all were nice to me because I was Prince Jimin's companion and not maid. I boasted things. Making him believe that all was nice.

"Appa, why didn't I see eomma in the palace the whole month?" I asked as we reached the bridge close to our village. He didn't answer. It seemed that he was lost in his own world. "Appa?" I called him out loudly. He startled and gave the big widen look.

"I asked you something?" "Oh,................ well, your eomma had a bad fall that night when we left you at the palace." He responded not looking at me. "WHAT?" I shouted. "And you didn't care to tell me?" I asked as worry was building in me.

Not giving him a chance to speak, I ran to my hut. The hut was barged by me with no one to welcome me. Tears dwell my eyes with the sudden emptiness. "EOMMA!" I shout for her. "EOMMMMAAAA!" I began to cry.

"EOMMMMAAAA!" "Don't leave ME........ I am still not complete......uhhhuhhuhu......please don't leave me....... I need you." I cried and sniffled in the hut.

I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Appa. I hugged him and cried, "Apppppaaaa, eomma l-left me." I clung to him. He caressed my hair and walked out with a clingy me.

We went to Aunt Minseo's hut, appa opened the door and my eyes catch, Hoseok oppa. He gave a weird smile to me and a weird wave and then ran to hide between the big baskets in the small kitchen. We walked in and I still clung to him as if someone would take him away from me.

Appa parted from me from his embrace. I looked at him with teary eyes, which would fall again if I let him go. He wiped those tears and covered my eyes with his hand. "Appa, what are you doing?" I asked startled to his reaction.

He opened my cover and I saw aunt Minseo, Eomma, Namjoon oppa and Hoseok oppa smiling and holding a songpyeon in a leaf plate. "Welcome home Y/N." All said. I was surprised, shocked, happy and all kind of emotions struck me.

I ran and hugged eomma and Aunt Minseo and cried. They chuckled and hugged me tight. I was crying so bad that I didn't let go of them. "Y/N, come on stop crying dear. We know that you are happy and you must have missed us. Come on let's go and have our breakfast." Eomma said.

Eventually I let go of them and glare with teary eyes to Appa, "Appa you lied to me. How could you?" I ran to him beating him like a small kid. He hugged me tight and let out a hearty laugh. "You scared me appa." I sniffed.

"It is true that your eomma fell, but not that bad." He said. "Okay, so aren't you going to give me a hug, sister?" I heard the rough voice.

I turned and hug him, just then we heard Hoseok oppa screeching, "Group hug!!!" And he lounged on us. It was a hug for few moments until aunt Minseo called us, "Kids come on, have your breakfast." "Eomma, aunt Minseo, How did you know that i was cominh today?" We all walked to the serving eomma. "When you said to your appa that you were about to ask permission today." Aunt Minseo pinched my cheek.

"Wow! You made kimbap and kimchi and rice. I love it." I took the servings and walked out side followed by Namjoon and Hoseok oppa. "Eomma, we are going to the field." Hoseok oppa shouted to aunt Minseo. "Alright Hoseok. Have fun." She shouted back. 

(Many will be thinking how Hosek became aunt Minseo's son. Well Hoseok was a lost child of 14 years who was found by Minseo. His parents had passed away leaving him alone in this world. Minseo saw him as her child and took him in with her. In many parts where the Kim siblings came, Hoseok wasn't mentioned. Well we bring that in this theory that he lived in town for earning a living for himself and for his mother Minseo. He visited them during his break. I hope you came to understand this idea.)

Long Live The King 《《 PJM 》》# Wattys2019#Where stories live. Discover now