CH 50

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The physician noticed their budding relation. He recollected how few hours before the two of you were brought there, prince Jimin had rushed to the physician seeking help to have checking go smoothly without claiming you. "Physician Kim, whether Y/n is courted or not could you please tell the investigating ministers, that she is not courted." He said with desperate eyes. "Your highness, I cannot lie for you. The results will be established as per the facts." Prince Jimin went far enough to plead on his knees. "Physician Kim, I have never ever asked for anything in my life, not even my life and you know it more than anyone. Y/n has become an integral part of my life and I cannot lose her. So I entreat to you this time." And prince Jimin even got on his knees for this girl. For sure she must have created a special place in his mind for him to go this far. Physician Kim lightly smiled at the them. 

Prince Jimin pushed opened the doors of his chamber. "Come in Y/n." he called you in. From the moment, the duo stepped out of the room, you remained dazed and his highness felt melancholy  deep in his soul, seeing your condition. Somewhere deep in his mind, he began to blame himself for the things that you were forced to go through. He pulled you in his arms, "I'm sorry Y/n." 

"Did I say anything wrong?" came a soulless question. "No," he replied, his hand patting her back in the hope of lending some comfort. His warmth was a safe space for you, only to cry again as your hands envelope him, "Then why did the physician check me down there?" What happened in the room, was uncomfortable and terrifying. As physician Kim was instructing and checking, you were in such a gut wrenching fear with what he was doing that had let out a shriek when he touched you. It had traumatized you severely. The touch was disgusting but when the physician reminded that this a crime charge saving for Jihoon, you laid there, tears flowing down your cheeks, holding in the disgust in the hopes saving him. His highness remained silent unknown to the question.

"Will he get punished because of me?" This was the difficult question. The interrogation played in their mind, the twisted questioning which were pushing Jihoon and Junmyeon  the culprit. The line between truth and falsehood blurred in the aftermath of the investigation. Jihoon got tangled in cobweb only to became a prey. "No." he answered with surety. He was sure with that health examination, they wouldn't be able to charge forced assault on him, saving him and you from one danger. "Your highness, please save master Jihoon." the words mumbled, you knew well enough that prince Jimin would punish you after the revelation your relationship, but for the sake of Jihoon, his highness became your last resort. 

"I am sorry, Y/n." his heart squeezed at this helplessness. "Please your highness." Your cries grew louder, the only thing that could be heard in his chamber. "Please. He has not murdered Yubin." your hug tightened and he could only caress your head. I'm sorry Y/n, I can't do anything. I don't know why am I this helpless. I can't when it feels everything is against him. It feel as if I would lose you too if I try to save him. Call me selfish and I wouldn't care because you are the only one I care for and can't afford to lose you just like Jihoon is for you. It is all my fault.

"Your highness." came a male call from the other side of the chamber. Hearing the voice, you immediately muffled. "I have brought your lunch." Prince Jimin looked at the door then at your hugging figure. "Bring one more serving and leave it at the door, Shin." "Yes, your highness." replied the voice. The room filled with your sobs again. "Your highness, please do something." your cried as you looked up to meet his eyes.

His face expressed pity and pain, "your highness, please do something, I cannot live without him." you blurted this time. He closed his eyes, as your words seeped  in my mind yet not reacting. "Master Jihoon is the only person I love dearly. I want to live my life with him once your highness is wedded." your cries intensified. "He is my everything after I left my family and came to serve you."  

Long Live The King 《《 PJM 》》# Wattys2019#Where stories live. Discover now