CH 15

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Prince Taehyung had an awe struck expression on his face. My gaze moved down to the wooden floor feeling a bit down. From all those efforts that these maids put on me made me feel like I would be very much presentable as a princess. Also he might have thought that I would look stunning. From his expression anyone could guess that I did not reach his expectations. Nowhere close to it.

"Leave." I heard his deep voice command to three maids. They walked by me. I peek to see them walking away, my eyes then glued back to the floor.

He is going to scold me. He spent a lot of money on me and all I can do was nothing.

I so wanted to burst in tears and beg to him for forgiveness but these necessary tears were not errupting.

Soon I saw a finger coming close to my chin, feeling its softness on my skin. My face heated up, my body tensed. It slowly raised my chin accessing me a direct eye contact with Prince Taehyung's eyes. His eyes did not seem the same, they were dark and possessive.

I plainly blinked at him. "You are so beautiful." His voice whispered
making our link intense. I gulped having a difficulty in breathing, my cheeks blushed and my body reached the highest temperature it could ever. In the pit of my stomach I could feel something tingling. "How can God carve such a gorgeous being?" He asked as I felt his thumb graze over my lips keep the contact still. He raised his hand slowly and patted my loose hair which was braided at the top of my head.

Unexpectedly he leaned in, my heart was beginning to panic. The beats were taking its pace. The closeness. It was never like this. Though I was panicking somewhere in my heart I was loving it. It seemed the complete opposite of me. Slightly I had this feeling to take control over him.

His breath hitting my ears, my legs were failing to stand properly; making me feel like falling anytime.

"Y-Your highness, w-we have t-to leave." I abruptly stuttered hoping to divert him. He moved his face away, staring at me as he removed his hand and chuckled, moving his gaze to the floor "I apologize for my rude behaviour." He realized what he was doing.

I gave the weirdest smile I could ever give. My breathing came back to normal but my legs were still like tofu; jiggling. It was not easy for me. This man was trying black magic on me. I mentally cried for making my heart beat frenzy. "Let us move then." He smiled and began walking.

I followed him. With time I was trying to forget it and thanks to the people in the palace. Everytime we pass a maid or soldier, all had awe-struck expression. I could not stop from mentally praising myself. They never gave me attention and now here I am being the centre of attraction.

We at last reached the entrance of the palace. It was already dark now. The moon in one corner of the sky showering its light over the place and stars scattered here and there. The palace fireholds were lit with blazing fire. I saw few guards on horses at the gate of the palace. Except for one dark horse.

Both of us stopped as we reached the horse. "Your highness." All bowed to Prince Taehyung. He gave a simple nod as respond and then turned to horse, he patted its stomach and then climbed on the horse. For a moment I glanced at the horse, it was the same as that night when Jin oppa came to pick me.

"Y/n?" I heard prince's voice, my head turned to him. "Come on." He lend his down with his regular smile. I smiled back, taking his hand and keeping my leg on the rider's leg holder, I climbed on sitting infront of him. His chest pressed on to mine as he took the strings. My cheeks began to heat up again.

Long Live The King 《《 PJM 》》# Wattys2019#Where stories live. Discover now