chapter 7

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filler chapter btw!!

Ever since that Christmas party, I haven't stopped thinking about Maya.

Her perfectly curved, skinny body looked amazing, her face, and her hair. Of course it's about looks. She just looked so much better now.

I know I can win her over again, she's just playing hard to get.

First, I have to break Astoria's heart by cheating. Wont be a big deal, I'll sort it out later. She always comes running back to me. I knew Maya still had feelings for me, why not take advantage?

All those stuff she said, her typical, dramatic self.

It's now Christmas. Our families send each other gifts every year, meaning I had to send her a gift like usual. I made sure to pick out an amazing gift so I could lure her back into my arms easier.

It's now Christmas. One of my favorite holidays of the year, next to Halloween. Mostly because I get loads of presents.

"Happy Christmas!" My mother said as she came to hug me in her arms. "Happy Christmas, Amaya!" My father then said, also hugging me.

We had a lovely Christmas breakfast prepared by our elves. All of my favorites were set on the huge table, waffles with fruit, bacon, assorted cereals, biscuits, and a bunch of fruity drinks.

Me being me, I ate the waffles with fruit and drank orange juice. "So what did you get me for Christmas?" I asked both my parents excitedly. "Wouldn't you like to know, would you?" My father let out a chuckle. "Now you'll just have to wait." My mother chuckled out.

I was being extra nice to my parents because they of course got me gifts for Christmas.

I got all of my friends their gifts of course, as I had already owled their gifts to them last night, since I had to owl Draco his under my parents orders.

I got Draco an old watch I picked out effortlessly, not caring about him. I hope he doesn't ever wear it considering it's the most hideous watch I've ever seen.

After we ate breakfast, we walked into the living room where our giant, decorated Christmas tree sat with many presents underneath.

There were all sorts of sized presents wrapped with Christmas wrapping paper and topped with bows.

I handed my parents all their gifts as they handed me mines.

I insisted they opened theirs before mine, and they did. They were both very pleased with their gifts and gave me a warming hug.

I started to open up my first gift, which was a silver necklace with my two initials on them. My eyes slightly widened in awe, "Aw, I love it so much! The way my initials are engraved on it, just- amazing!" I smiled at them.
"We knew you'd love it, open this gift next." My mother insisted.
"Okay.." I was feeling a bit skeptical as to why my mother wanted me to open the little gifts first so badly. I unwrapped the paper to see a pack of silver rings. They were much prettier then my current ones. "Now I see why you wanted me to open up this one, so it matched with the silver necklace. Thank you! I love it!" I gave them both a hug.

I began to open up my bigger gifts, seeing a decorative glass hand for jewelry. It was a matt black color with a hint of shine to it.

I opened the rest of my gifts, concluding of new clothes. My parents watched on the couch while they drank their coffee and talked about the Christmas party we recently had.

I was very grateful for all the gifts I had received.

"Then the gifts from your friends and the other Wizarding families are up in your room already." My father said. "Okay, can I go up and take a look?" I asked. "Of course, have fun." My father answered. I made my way upstairs.

I opened the gifts from Wizarding families my parents had been friends with. They were usually something designer or fancy perfumes. The perfumes I would get always smelled super old.

Getting gifts from Wizarding families was very normal here, it's like some rich people thing I guess?

I opened the gifts Pansy, Daphne, Adrian, and Blaise sent me. They were all super nice. Lastly and unfortunately, I opened Draco's.
A silver necklace with a green heart on it. There's no way he thought that was nice. Terrible style he has. All he wears is that one douchey black suit.

I owled all of my friends thanking them for the gifts I had received.

I hope you are having a good Christmas break, as am I. I also hope you liked the gift I sent u. Hope things are well with family, and you and Enzo.
Love (ur fav), Y/n.

I wrote a similar note to everyone else, I didn't have much to say to my friends since I saw them all very recently at the Christmas party last weekend.

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