Chapter 34 ~ Angry Frowns and Happy Smiles

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So I made a change to the logo of the Twin Sisters Elimination, considering it's previous one looked more at how their case ended rather than the signature characteristics of it.

So I made a change to the logo of the Twin Sisters Elimination, considering it's previous one looked more at how their case ended rather than the signature characteristics of it

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Also, any drawing ideas?
+Russia's POV+
My father wasn't happy with me the next morning. He didn't understand how Meri could escape under my watch and drowned me with questions. Especially with the idea America suddenly disappeared from his cell.

The yelling really scared a bunch of officers, even more so with dad using his ability out of anger.

NATO was even questioned, but with him not there at the exact time America disappeared, my father let him off the hook quickly.

He was really mad.

"He really disappeared" I muttered.

"Bullsh*t" he angrily replied. "That doesn't just happen!" he shouted. "There had to be some noise! Literally anything!" he continued.

I shook my head slowly.

"Detective Moscow!" a shout came.

We both looked in the direction the voice came from.

It was Chief UK.

"It wasn't Russia's fault, your yelling isn't going to change that" he said, looking at my father.

"I'm just trying to figure out how it happened" my father said, glaring back.

"And your angry yelling isn't helping" the chief snapped back. "If you continue with this behavior I will have you sent home" he said, glaring as well.

My father stormed off.

"Alright everyone" said Chief, clapping his hands and gaining the attention of those around, few nosey enough to stick around.

"Back to work" he instructed. Everyone left, getting back to their work stations, or scampering off to gossip to others.

"Russia?" the chief stopped me. "Can we have just a quick chat if you don't mind?" he asked.

"It's fine with me" I replied.

"Good, I just wanted to make sure your alright" he said. "That was a bad family moment" he added.

"I'm alright, my father will cool off at some point" I assured him.

"Plus I'm sort of to blame" I added.

"It's not your fault" Chief stated. "No one would have been able to do anything if they were in your shoes" he explained.

"Don't get down on yourself for it" he said, giving me a smile.

"Thank you Chief" I said.

"It's no problem, if you ever need to talk to someone then I'm there" he said. "I can keep a secret too" he said, bringing a finger to his lips in a shushing motion.

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