Chapter 73 ~ A Bad Choice of Hostage

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+North Korea's POV+
We finally made it to the bottom of the stairs, the creaking steps were anxiety inducing.

The place it brought us to was like another copy of the factory building we were in. It was interesting but creepier than the original above us.

To make matters worse, there was blood stains in various places, most were dragged across the floor, but a couple were dripped in a trail, there was even a dried out puddle with footsteps coming out of it, like someone had accidentally stepped in it.

We continued looking around, keeping quiet and on guard.

Eventually, we came upon another hallway with doors like the metal ones with the slots, and just like last time, we checked all the rooms.

They were much dirtier and stained with blood, it gave me a sense of doom, fearing for my brother.

Unlike last time though, we did find someone.

"Over here!" Vietnam shouted at me, already trying to pull the door open.

I rushed over along with China and we helped get the door open, it took some explosions by my ability but we got it.

Inside, South was seated in a corner, tied up but conscious, his head spun towards us in fear when the door opened, but he was happy to realize it was us.

I rushed over and untied the gag from around his mouth, while I asked if he was hurt and told him how worried I had been.

It's embarrassing to say but the emotions were flowing more freely right now.

China and Vietnam just stood back and watched.

"I'm fine North" South assured me, while I got started on untying him.

I got him out quickly with the hunters knife I brought and once he was free, he immediately pulled me into a hug me.

It took me by surprise, I didn't typically like being touched, but I'd allow it this time, South deserved it.

But it didn't last long, South pulled away with his hands up, like he was backing off.

It made me chuckle a bit, which made him chuckle too.

"I'm glad you're okay" I told him, getting to my feet and standing up.

"I'm glad you are as well" he replied, standing up too.

"And you brought help" he added, looking past me.

I glanced back, realized he was talking about Vietnam and China, and then nodded to confirm.

"Do you know where Russia is?" Vietnam asked.

South shook his head.

"I was unconscious till I woke up in here" South explained.

"Did you hear something from Russia's apartment, go to check on him, then get attacked and taken?" China asked.

South nodded in reply.

"I told ya" China said, throwing a smirk at Vietnam.

"i ToLd yA" Vietnam mockingly mimicked, then rolled his eyes dramatically.

China only raised an unamused eyebrow.

"We need to go find Russia now" South blurted out, trying to break the sudden tension between the two.

It did the trick and we all went searching, still being as careful as before.

Though, it was a bit worrying to think about what could have happened to Russia by now.

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