Chapter 50 ~ Swimming Fins and Flying Wings

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+Russia's POV+
After the whole almost drowning ordeal, I was given some time off of work. At least my friends were happy to see me when I came back, but I can't say the same about my other coworkers.

But fortunately, when I did come back, they still had the State form Washington captured. They kept her held in this kind of giant tub in the storage room, had an anti-magic cuff around her wrist to chain her to it along with Meri's restraints on her. A schedule had even been made so someone was constantly watching her, even when she was being questioned.

I went down to check on her and found Vietnam and South in charge of watching her for the time being.

I tried to at least greet her but she didn't respond. I was honestly expecting some kind of hello from her or form of acknowledgment.

"She's been like that since last night" said South.

"Based on what I've read about the State forms, I think she may be reaching her limit, if she hasn't already gone past it" said Vietnam.

"At least she's not screaming though" I said.

(Reminder, the State forms have limits as to how long their form is willing to be used. They're "limit" varies on the State and their personality. For example, Virginia started screaming in the middle of the night when he reached his limit. Up till this point in the story, no attempts to explore what sets the limit has been made by officers)

"Yeah, which is why we're going to see what happens when a State goes way past the limit of time they're okay with" Vietnam replied. "So far, she's been doing pretty good, considering this is the third day in a row she's been out here" he pointed out.

I looked over at Washington, laying on her stomach in the tub with her arms over her head, like she was trying to hide.

Based on previous observations, most States went completely silent before they reached their limit, and then would have some sudden change in behavior.

With how chatty she had been before, the silence was unsettling. It made me feel bad for her.

"What was the longest a State form has been recorded to have lasted?" South asked.

"Without the silent treatment: 4 full days, with silent treatment: almost a whole week" Vietnam answered, looking at his phone, probably had access to the department files.

"And who lasted that long?" I asked, out of curiosity.

"A State called California lasted the 4 days without turning to the silent treatment, and a State called Nebraska was the one to last almost a week, before attacking an officer" he replied.

"Isn't Nebraska like supposed to be the twin of Bloody Kansas?" South asked.

"Yeah but apparently he's got a better tolerance than Kansas does" said Vietnam. "Kansas has only been recorded to last a day, in the one chance we got to test him" he added.

Kansas was a very hostile State form, nicknamed Bloody Kansas for the number of casualties he's caused. Nebraska, his self-proclaimed twin brother, and nearly identical in looks, was much calmer and quieter, but also known for a number of casualties.

I heard Washington start moving around and she shifted onto her side.

"Out of curiosity, what are all the past the limits reactions the department has ever gotten so far?" South asked.

Vietnam scrolled for a bit on his phone, looking for the answer.

"Exhibited behavior includes the following" he read out loud, then began the list.

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