Chapter 64 ~ That Red Helmet

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+Russia's POV+
I sat next to my father, who was driving us to this kind of big mountain. It used to be a kind of popular race track area, until people started getting killed.

Our target was only described as a motorcyclist, riding a red motorcycle and wearing a red helmet.

Apparently he'd race the racers, which tended to be teenagers, and when they got upset with him, he'd ride by with a sword and behead, slice, or stab racers.

There was a story where he jumped on a car and stabbed the driver through the front window.

He's basically become a legend or myth for the locals, they call him the Silent Red Rider.

So you can imagine the raceway became really empty, besides some of the remaining "daring" teenagers.

But to the main topic of my current situation.

I was talking with dad about what had happened at the last case, regarding Stars communication with us and what we found out. Of course I had told him about it after I got back from the case, but during this car ride the topic had come back up.

"I'm gonna be honest" my dad started. "Telling the whole department may not have been the best idea" he said.

I didn't say anything because I already knew what he was talking about.

"You've sent everyone into a panic" he explained. "Everybody is questioning and suspecting one another" he added.

"Especially anything they can connect from Stars hacker mark" he told me.

Right, I hadn't thought about that.

Officers at the department with pierced ears were getting blamed the most. Even those with stars in their flags or hacking abilities were getting picked on, especially Vietnam and South, for "being the newest recruits that both fit in 2 of those 3 categories" even if they were recruited like months ago. Vietnam fit the star in the flag and the hacking abilities, while South for the pierced ears and the hacking.

It was sad to watch them get suspected.

I had tried to at least defend South but the fact he hadn't been around when Phillips escaped from me and ran off, soon to be killed by Stars, had basically incriminated him in the eyes of other officers. Plus, even the hacking thing on the car could have been programmed to set off at a certain time.

Everyone at the department was pointing fingers at each other, the lack of trust was upsetting Chief.

"That was probably Stars goal here" dad said. "To inject chaos into the department and break us up" he said.

"And he did a damn good job of it" he said with a sigh. I just decided to keep quiet.

We soon arrived at the mountain.

I got out of the car and Germany, Austria, and Hungary came to greet me, even GE came over to talk with my father.

But we were soon ordered to start investigating so we split up into groups.

I was paired up with Germany and Vietnam.

We went and looked around the area we were assigned to, riding in a police car with Germany driving.

"Ya know, I've always wanted a motorcycle" said Vietnam. "There pretty cool and you can do so much" he said.

"It's literally a death trap" Germany commented.

"A car is as dangerous to a motorcycle as it is a bike" Vietnam replied.

"But most bike riders don't ride them in the street where cars are" Germany countered. "If you get hit, there's nothing between you and the car" she added.

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