Chapter 81 ~ Hidden in the Mud

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+Russia's POV+
Chief and Great Britain came with us on a case, a big murder of a group that had been discovered to be involved in some black market arrangement. So Chief came along to see it himself and help out with something like this, while Britain came because we needed his strength to move some things out of the way.

We found both human and animal body parts and insides collected, it was horrific. All gathered in crates or in jars, we even found skeletons in a kind of glass columns.

There were cages too, holding evidence of the terror of any person or animal it had held.

The claw marks on the floor, walls, and even bars, which also had bite marks and sometimes dents in the metal.

We found some rooms that resembled that of surgery rooms, which were rather creepy, with its bloody tools and straps on the seat.

Some officers had to leave out of disgust.

But upon my father's orders, I stuck with Chief and Britain while he investigated, partially since Chief didn't let Canada come for his own sake.

"Does any of this bother you?" Chief asked.

"Not at all sir" I replied.

"Truly?" Britain asked, beating Chief to it who had opened his mouth to ask but ended up closing it. I nodded in turn.

I was developing a tolerance for stuff like this, with so much death, blood, or suffering. Previous cases had gotten me used to it.

"You've certainly become real tough then" Chief commented. "I'll be honest, this is making me jittery" he admitted. Britain was all too quick to nod in agreement.

That surprised me and I guess it showed on my face.

"Don't look so shocked" Chief said with a chuckle. "It's human nature to feel fear or anxious, it's inhuman to not" he said.

"We all have our times, it's natural" he added.

That made me smile, despite the circumstances around us.

Though, I was happy when we left that place.

However, we found a list of the people involved in this, and based on how many bodies we found and could identify, someone had survived, someone with a wilderness based ability.

"I have a proposition" Chief said, to my father.

My dad raised an eyebrow questionably.

"We switch sons for the day" Chief said with a smile. "If you bring Canada with you to find the one who killed this group, I'll bring Russia with me to find the one who survived" he explained.

My father had to stop to think about that, he probably wasn't gonna be very fond of the idea. If he had to work with anyone, he preferred me, which is understandable.

"I'll bet both boys will be useful to each of us somehow" said Chief, encouraging the little trade.

My father still wasn't convinced, just raised an eyebrow at him.

"I'll buy you dinner" said Chief, with a smirk. I heard Britain snicker from his place next to me.

(And this is where I reveal their relationship to be a bit gay, even while knowing it will never actually happen cause USSR's homophobic and UK's married)

And so, while my father left with Canada to find the one who killed all of those in this group to escape, Chief brought me along to find the survivor.

It was pretty easy, even if Chief's ability wasn't able to be activated on someone he had never met, his tracking capabilities were still good.

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