Part 02

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A sharp sound caused by the porcelain cup hitting its saucer rang inside his head.

"Please take a short break, Seijuro-sama. I've prepared you a drink."

There was a girl formally bowing to his front. The wooden desk with pile of documents scattered neatly on top separated them.

He looked at her as he leaned his back to the chair and exhaled a breath as if that short sigh released all his tiredness.

Take a short break? That was something he could never allow his self to do. Resting, taking a break, even if he did, how long should he do it before it could be considered a waste of time?

It seemed he had to be aware of every minute turning into waste just by doing that. If it was just his self, he wouldn't even consider it. Yet, there she was, again, always appearing, asking him to take a rest. He needed it, yes, but he must not.

Almost 5 seconds had passed just to acknowledge her presence, take a nod from her offer, and he was back to his works.

The pen from his grip started producing the scribbling sound as his eyes moved left to right, on and on, following the direction of the hand that would transform his thoughts into written notes.

"Seijuro-sama" Then, there it was again. It wasn't just her calling him. It was her reminding– take a break, have a breathing.

He lifted the tip of his pen, for a while, he was hesitating if he had to do it. He stared at his notes before gradually travelling his mismatched eyes to the girl.

It was still so early in the morning yet works were already consuming him.

To that, as if satisfied to finally get his attention, the girl smiled.

His gaze fell flat on the porcelain cup, watching the stillness of the dark green water. He took his way to bring the cup to his mouth, carefully sipping the liquid.

Their morning had always been like this, no matter where they were, be it in Rakuzan High or at the mansion.




His finger kept tapping the skin of his chin as he read the paper in his file board. It was that time when Akashi Seijuro had to observe the other members of his club, not only in the first string but also those in second and third strings.

Much to his interest, he found it necessary to add more useful players even though he knew that just him would be enough to bring victory. But basketball was a team sport so he really had no choice.

He started at second string.

As he scanned the documents that contained everyone's name, basic statistics as well as images, he couldn't just seem to find what he was looking for.

Most of them were too normal and natural.

He wanted someone unique. Someone who would defy the basics of this sport, something the opponents wouldn't expect. A player that would break the norm, just like his one old teammate in Teikou, but better.

"Seijuro-sama" He heard.

When he looked at the owner of the voice, judging the reaction of her face, he could tell that she had been calling him for a while.

She let out a sigh of ease, for finally catching his attention.

"You're on it again." she uttered, under the smile she had on her face, slightly tilting her head sideways.

He didn't have to ask what she meant, he already got it.

It was one of her casual remark every time she would notice him in deep thoughts, busy analyzing, comprehending a lot of things. And every time, she would call him as if breaking the concentration he had gathered just to point out what he already knew.

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