Part 11

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Hayama Kotarou flashed out a smile towards the view on his front, as his hands made their way at the back of his head.

He breathed in a long air.

The weather was so nice.

Even the air, it was so different from the city, at the school and even though Kyoto's air was better than the crowded capital of Japan, he still found the current surrounding as something else. Refreshingly cool, if he must define. He could tell that the atmosphere around—if not a hundred percent clean, would at least be two times cleaner and not polluted compared in the area where they came from.

The light wind passing by was as if being filtered by the hundreds of leaves around. He breathed in once more, longer than the usual.

What a good day to be alive.
If he could just go and relax in a corner or maybe under a tree while having a cup of tea and some sandwiches, then life would be so awesome.

All was good and well until he heard a whistle.

He let out a quick sigh and opened his eyes just to be greeted by an image of a girl holding a file board with a whistle in between of her lips.

Hayama bent his back, leaning both hands on top of his kneecaps.

So much for dreaming...

The cruel reality was this moment of training, running up and down in a hill, into the group of trees that seemed to make the area like an adventurous forest.

"We're going to start from here all the way to the top of the hill then back. This is a test and also part of the training to build up your stamina."

There's no time for some relaxation, the blonde realized. Although that should be what the trip must be about.

"Alright! Bring it on! I ate one day worth of sandwiches for this!"

"I don't think that would be enough." Someone commented.

"I do hope you won't get indigestion for eating that much."

Hayama didn't have to wonder who said that.

And then,

"Right, thanks Sasazaki. I'll keep watch to them as they run. For the meantime, can you prepare their water bottles?" Shota Hoguchi said, taking the file board with him.

The girl nodded.

Using his own whistle hanging around his neck, he blew it to make a signal and to steal everyone's attention.

"There's no more perfect time to do this but now. Alright everyone, the weather is so nice so let's begin! On my signal, run!" He eyed everyone as they all get ready to hit the ground.

But wait,

"Mayuzumi? Is Mayuzumi here?" Just to be sure that the co-third year was also participating on this run.

Mayuzumi sighed.

There it goes again.

Always, he always had to receive a special mention of his name from their manager.
When would he be accustomed with his presence? He was clearly just few meters away from him, just behind Hayama Kotarou and in front of Akashi Seijuro.

"Hai! Mayuzumi-san is behind me, Senpai!" Hayama proclaimed, pointing a thumb towards the phantom player through his shoulder.

"Oh, okay. Again, on my signal."

The basketball club's manager raised his forefinger, "3..."



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