Part 05

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Today is colder than yesterday. Mayuzumi thought as he gazed up at the sky. He would have to find a temporary place to read once the rooftop became unbearable.

On a different thought, he wondered why his usual guest wasn't here yet. Not that he was waiting for her, rather, he was only curious. After all, the second volume of the novel they had been reading finally came out and knowing that she had read the first volume, a thought occurred to him that she might be happy if she found it out.

What was he thinking? Why was she in his thoughts anyway?

She was just a mere stranger enjoying the same book but as a fellow reader, he just knew what it would feel. 

That was all.

Nonetheless, Mayuzumi brushed it off.

It wasn't like him to wait for someone.

It wasn't like him to worry about someone's reading hobby.

Did the story of the book influence him somehow? Like something might begin at this rooftop like the one in his LN?


Very unlikely... 

He didn't even know her.

Moreover, things like relationships, crushes, love and dating never impressed him.

In the end, he just continued reading the volume 2 of his LN. But just when he was about to get at the good part, he suddenly heard a new voice.

"Mayuzumi-san, is it? Hello there."

He blinked. Maybe having a guest wouldn't surprise him anymore but hearing a male voice all of a sudden was quite unexpected. Wait, thinking about it, wasn't that his ex-captain? And here he thought rooftop was a forbidden place to students?

"Aren't you being too friendly? Shouldn't it be "Nice to meet you." and not "Hello there." Either way, he continued on turning the pages of his book.

Truth to be told, he didn't like this freshman and yet there he was, acting too casual towards him when it was their first conversation.

"We were on the same basketball team until a few days ago."

Surprisingly, the third year didn't expect that. He dropped the book for a while to actually acknowledge his guest as he rose up his head to have a better look at the redhead. "That's unusual. There's hardly anyone who immediately remembers who I am."

"That's because... I know someone that resembles you very much." The redhead smirked before noticing the book that had been on the third year's possession since he arrived. "By the way, what are you reading?"

Without hesitation, Mayuzumi closed the book and handed it to the redhead. "A light novel."

"Light novel?" He mused upon accepting. He turned it on its back as he briefly scanned the summary.

"You don't know that?"

It wasn't that he didn't know. In fact, it was kind of familiar. He remembered reading the same title from before. Where could it be again?

"Are they good reads?"

"The story isn't as heavy as others, so they're easy to follow."

This time, Akashi turned it at the front cover. The artwork seemed familiar as well. He had seen this before. He remembered this character design.

Wasn't this the one he saw from Hotaru's collection of books?

"If it's a matter of like or hate then you'll like it. It's worth reading."

The Sea of Tranquility (MayuzumiXOCXAkashi)Where stories live. Discover now