The Letter.

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Oh yeah! Another update xP Enjoy! ^_^

Jinxx's P.O.V

Wow, how I missed this feeling! Having Amy in my arms in bed! It feels like the first time! It always has, and I never get tired of it. I mean, who would?

“I'm glad it didn't happen” she whispered “I would have been in a coffin instead of your arms..” she continued. She could have been. I know she isn't a huge fan of her own mother but, without her mom, she wouldn't be here, her mom did save her, she did call the cops and stuff. Right now..I could have been helping her mom with like funeral plans, or I'd be beside her dead body crying.

I held her tighter as I kept thinking about that. “I guess I didn't think about how much it would effect you..And Andy, Ashley, Jake and CC..” she continued “The only thing I thought about was getting away.” she paused for a minute “Away from my mom. The pain.” she paused once again taking a deep breath like she was almost going to cry “The pain of being pushed around by her, do this. Do that. That's all it was. And not being able to see you..And when she ripped the letter it h-” she quickly stopped in the middle of her sentence as if she remembered something. “I didn't get to read the rest of the letter...” she said as she looked up to me “Do you remember what the rest said?” she asked. “I remember each letter” I told her. She then moved herself a little getting ready to listen “When did you stop reading?” I asked “I don't really remember..” she said quietly “Oh ok”  

I closed my eyes as I got a flash back when I was writing the letter. This letter was longer then others. The reason for that was because I went full out on how I felt. I wrote down everything I could think of when I though of her.

This letter is longer as you can tell. That's because I'm starting from Day 1. Everything I've felt since then.
When I saw you in the cafeteria you looked interesting, yet lonely, and for some reason I needed to know who you are but I didn't want to seem creepy or anything and just start asking questions like that. I actually kind of ran to get the spot behind you because there was another guy walking over to the line up. As you probably remember, we didn't say much. But as soon as I saw your back bleeding, I knew something was wrong, I had a feeling there was abuse involved. I felt as it was my job to make sure you were ok. And even though we didn't know each other that day. I felt horrible seeing that and it broke my heart.
Then that day when your dad found you and your mom. I never dealt with that kind of situation but I knew what I had to do. And that was to protect you. I didn't succeed to well on that since you got hurt, but I hope you know I tried my best.
Then you came with us! But Ashley got all over you. I tried to ignore it, I didn't see all this coming. All of what happen now! I actually kind of thought you'd be with Ashley, even at this point. I never wanted to sound like an ass hole or anything but when you told me it didn't work out between you two, I was really happy. But at the same time I felt bad.
Days went on, we came closer, it felt like..Like I've known you forever.
I don't know if you ever felt it to, but, I've always felt like I've known you before all this stuff happened. Like we were friends years ago. Strange isn't it?..

I started having stronger feelings for you. It almost hurt! But when you were kind of showing me that you had feelings to, I wanted to just...I wanted you to be mine! Officially mine! I wanted to spent more time with you, see your beautiful smile more! Never make you cry. If I ever would have make you cry, it would be a happy cry.”

I took a little break from talking and to also try and remember every single thing I wrote! “Y-you remember all this!?” she asked “Yeah” I told her with a little smile. “Before I met you, I felt like something was missing in my life! And now you're gone, in New York. And I have that feeling again, but when you were here with me, it felt better, like there wasn't anything missing but one little thing, but I couldn't get my thought on what that thing is. But I'll find it soon! I can feel it!”

I stop again but to yawn and rub my eyes, it's pretty late..

She then came back closer and got comfortable “Sorry” I said as I continued robbing my eyes “It's ok” she said “I'm getting tired too” she said “Goodnight” she whispered. I wrapped my arm around her and kissed her forehead “Goodnight”.


I felt Amy move a little in the bed, I peeked open my eye and saw she was facing the other way, not facing me, and it looks like she's playing around with her hair. So she's awake and well I am now too. I then decided I was going to continue telling her the letter.

“Back to the past a little.” I began saying, she quickly stop playing around with her hair and slowly turned around facing me again “Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up” she said “I thought for almost a good week or two thinking on how to ask you out, what we'd do on that date. Thought a lot of 'what if' what if you said no. What if you didn't like a certain I had planned. So then, I made a new plan for back up, and a back up for the back up! And well, that day never came. One way or another! I'm going to get to New York and we'll go on a date! An actual one!
But. What also kind of sucks is that. We'll be going on tour soon..So we're going to have to make plans before the tour!!”

She nodded and smiled “I'd like that” she whispered. “Tonight?” I asked, she smiled even more and nodded her head again “Yes!”  

"The only problem is that it won't be the date I was planning. Because that's an all day type date and I didn't call for any arrangments." I explained to her, she looked at me surprised "You gotta call for arrangements!" I laughed at her reaction and nodded my head "Like sushi?" I asked while getting out of bed "Yeah" she said while sitting up "Awesome! Be ready for 5!" I told her and walked out of the room.

I quickly ran downstairs and grabbed the phone and made a dinner reservation for tonight. "
"Sushi!? What's the going on? Can I come?" Jake asked after I hung up "No! I'm going out with Amy tonight!" I told him "Take out?" he asked quietly "Really dude?" "PLEEASE!?" he begged "Maybe!" I said and laughed "You're going out with Amy tonight!?" Andy asked "Yeah" "WELL IT'S ABOUT FUCKN TIME!" CC yelled while walking in the living room, the guys laughed and nodded in agreement. "Whatever! Shutup! Shit happened earlier!" I said while sitting down "You doing that big ass date you planned?" CC asked "What? How do you know about it?" I asked confused. 

I don't recall telling anyone about my date plan! "I was walking by your room one night and herd you talking! 'What if she doesn't like that? OH I'll do this then!' " he said "I could have been talking about someone else!" I said as Andy and Jake sat down "Bullshit! Who else would you have been talking about?" he asked, I couldn't think of anyone so I just sat there in silent "Yeah! That's right!" CC said and laughed along with the guys. 

"So what do you have planned for tonight?" Andy asked "Well..." 

Amy's P.O.V 

So I'm  guessing we're going to have Sushi tonight! I don't know if I should just dress normal type thing or a dress..A dress wouldn't hurt right?! But it's not like I need to get ready right now! It's only 10AM, we are leaving till 5! So I'll start getting ready around 2-3! 

Urg, ok..I'm sorry for the short chapter but I'm really tired now..I can't write anymore. I'll just be making the ending crappy..Well crappier cause it is ending at a weird point in the story but I really can't write anymore..Sorry if it sucks!!


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