Anything but normal.

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Updating 'cause I can lol jk xP 

Amys P.O.V 

I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating, I slowly moved to the other of the bed not waking up Jeremy and looked at my phone, it's my mum calling.. 

''Hello?!'' I whispered, ''Hey! Why you whispering?'' she asked loudly ''I don't want to wake Jeremy up!'' I whispered as I walked out the room and closed the door ''JEREMY!? WHY WOULD WAKE HIM UP??'' she asked quickly ''Mum! I had a nightmare last night and he came to comfort me!'' I quickly told her ''Oh ok'' she sighed in relief ''Well! Good news!'' she said cheerfully ''Really? What?'' I asked quickly ''I got an aparement in New York! Two bedrooms!!'' 

Jinxx P.O.V 

I slowly began opening my eyes and kept blinking tell my vision was clear, I didn't move tho, I don't want to wake up-...Where is she? 

I didn't even hear her get out of bed or anything! "Bye..Love you too" she said as she quietly walked in, w-who does she love? What? 

Once she got in the room I saw that she had her phone against her ear, she must be talking to her mom she hung up her phone and saw I'm awake "OH" she said loudly "Uh, morning!" she mumbled while walking over to her dresser ''You ok?'' I asked while getting out of bed ''Uh yeah'' she said quietly ''Why wouldn't I be?!'' she chuckled ''Uhm I don't kn-'' ''Lets go somewhere today, all of us!!'' she said cheerfully ''Go tell the other to get dress!'' she said quickly while walking in the bathroom and a change of clothing. 

Something is up, and she's trying to hide it, ignore it. ''You know I'm always here if you need to talk!'' I shouted to her as I walked out. 

I then went downstairs and everyone was eating breakfast ''Guys, go get dress!'' I told them, they all looked at me confused with tiredness ''Whaattt??,,,,,'' Jake asked ''Get dress'' I told them again ''Amy wants to hang out with all of us today!'' I told them, they all looked at each and let out a little sigh ''Right now??'' Andy asked ''Yes!'' I barked. They all put their dishes in the sink and went to their rooms. Now that I handled them, I better go get dressed! 

                                    ***20mins later***

''So where we going??'' CC asked as we walked out the door following Amy ''I don't know'' Ashley replied ''For a walk!'' Amy said cheerfully, we all looked at each other and back to Amy ''Where??'' Andy asked ''I don't know'' Amy continued to say cheerfully like she was in Candyland or someplace with no problems at all. Something is really wrong, she never acts this happy!! 

''OH GUYS!'' She yelled while jumping tawards us ''WE should go watch a movie!!'' she jumped ''Uh ok..'' we said ''Now tho??'' Ashley asked ''Yep!'' ''But it's only 11AM'' Andy pointed out ''Oh.'' she stop jumping and thought for a while "Well...uh" she slowly said while thinking, "Lets go chill at the park or something for a while, then go out for lunch then go to the mall OH and take silly pictures AND THEN GO OUT FOR DINNER! THHEEENNN WE GO TO THE MOVIES!!!!!!" she said quickly and clapped her hands, she then continued to walk with me following behind her tell I was pulled back "Huh?" I turned and saw Andy, Jake, Ashley and CC confused "Why is she...Bubbly?! Like hyper and stuff.." Jake asked "She isn't acting like herself" Andy added. 

"Guys, I don't know" I told them "She came back in the room this morning looking said and said nothing is wrong." I continued "So she hidding the pain. We got to find out what's up!" Ashley said "GUYS! YOU COMING?!" Amy yelled "COMING!" we all yelled back and walked over to Amy in silent. 

"So Amy..." Andy began saying "Yeah?" she asked while ripping a flower apart looking up in the sky "You seen pretty happy this morning, did you have a good sleep last night?" he continued, she then stop for a quick second "Yeah, I really did! Well later on anyways.." she mumbled. "What do you mean 'later on'?" CC asked "Well....I kinda had a nightmare last night" she told them. I know she had a bad dream but she didn't tell me, so maybe I'll find out know. 

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