We got a new drummer!

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Amys P.O.V 

I'm finally out of the hospital and almost fully recovered, they said I still got about a week tell my ribs will feel better. Tell then, Ashley, Jinxx, Jake and Andy kinda forced me to stay with them. My mum went on a trip to New York for a some buisness, I don't know how but Ashley somehow got my mum to believe that I'll be safe with them. She left a couple of days ago.. 

Speeking of my mum, she's calling again. For the third time today. "Mum aren't you on a BUISNESS trip!?!" "I know, I know. I'm just-" she sighed "I know mum, making sure I'm okay. Well I'm fine! The guys are helping me out" I told for like the 100th time since she left. "I know. Ok well-" she began to say "Bye mum." I said and slowly brought my finger to the end button "Bye swettie l-" I threw my phone on the other side of the bed and sighed "Your mom again?" I herd Ashley ask, I quickly looked at the door and saw he was standing there "Oh, hi. And yeah, for like the third time today" I told him as he walked over and sat down on my bed "You want anything to drink or eat?" he asked. 

I gotta say, Ashley is one of the nicest guys I've ever met! Well it's not like I've met a lot of them anyways. "Uhm I'm kinda thirsty" I began to say "BUT I can get it my self!" I quickly continued and slowly sat up and moved the blanket off of me and to the side "No no! I'll get it!" he said quickly and quickly but the blanket back on my body and walked downstairs. 

Jinxxs P.O.V

Andy came in the livingroom and looked around "Where is Ash?" he asked "He's taking care of Amy" I told him "Oh, well did he give that guy a call?" Ashley was sapose to call someone about becoming our drummer..a while ago. "No" Jake said and sighed "Is there something going on between Amy and him?" Andy asked while sitting down "I don't think so" Jake said. 

I hope there isn't anything going on..

I got up and walked upstairs, as I was walking up I herd then talking and once I got closer I could hear everything they were saying "So what are you going to do next week, when you recover?" Ashley asked Amy "I..I don't know, I might see if I can catch a plane to New York to be with my mum" she told him "Oh well, maybe before you do that.." Please don't ask her out, please don't ask her out!! "Would you want to go out for dinner or something?" he continued to ask. Please don't say yes.. 

"Uhm, I-I uh I d-don't know.." she slowly said, before Ashley could say anything else I quickly nocked on the door and walked in, they both jumped and looked at me "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you" I chuckled "Uhm hey Ash, Andy wants you to give that guy a call." I told him and looked at Amy then quickly back to Ashley "Who?" he asked  confused "You said you might know someone who could be our new drummer!" I said "Oh right okay" he said and got up and walked downstairs. 

I looked at Amy and smilled "So how you feeling?" I asked while walking up to her. "Pretty good" she said and slowly sat up more "If you want anything don't be shy to ask" I told her. 

Ashs P.O.V 

"Hey Christian!" "Ashley?" he asked confused "Yeah man!" "HOLY SHIT! HEY MAN!" he yelled into the phone, I quickly took the phone away from me ear tell he was done yelling "Calm down dude" I chuckled "Sorry, whatsup man? Hows it going?" he asked quickly "Fine, hey you want to get some drinks?" I asked "Sure!" he said. 

We deccided which bar to go to then hung up to get ready. I walked upstairs and saw Jinxx talking to Amy "Oh hey Ashley" Amy said "Hey" I replied, Jinxx turned around "Well?" he asked "I'm going to meet up with him and have a couple of drinks" I told Jinxx then looked at Amy "But I can call and say never mind!" I quickly said "It's fine Ashley" she said, Jinxx walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder "You go take a break, I'll take care of her Ash. Enjoy yourself" he told me "Ok, well see you later" I said and walked to my room and got ready. 

Once I got to the bar I walked in and saw Christian sitting at a table "Hey!" "HEY!" he yelled and got up and walked up to me, he gave me a hug then we sat down and ordered some drinks "So hows the drumming going?" I asked "Great!" he said "In any bands?" I asked "Fuck no" he said "Well would you want to be in one?" I slowly asked "REALLY? You know a band who needs a drummer? Who? When? Why? What happen to their old drummer?" he asked quicly. 

"My band, our old drummer left us for another band. And the sonner the better" I told him "Awesome! I'd love to join your band! I can start whenever! I'm just going to need the notes so I can learn the songs which won't take to long, unless you guys got like 30songs" he said "No, only 12" I told him. 

Amys P.O.V 

I still can't deccide if I  should go out with Ashley or not. He is really nice, and good looking. But I don't really know him, but if I do go out with him I could get to know him more..

"Hey Jinxx?" he turned around to face me "Yeah?" he asked as he came and sat down on the bed "I uh..Gotta..Uhm never mind" I don't know if I could ask him what to do. "What is it?" he asked "Never mind" I said and looked away, I felt his hand lightly go on my knee. I looked back to him "You can tell me. I wont tell anyone! I promise!" I could tell in his eyes that he wouldn't and he wasn't lying. 

"Ok." I said "Well, uhm. Ashley kinda asked me out" I slowly told him, he didn't say anything "But I said I don't know." I looked away for a quick second then back to Jinxx "What should I do?" I asked him, he quickly sighed and looked away then back to me seconds later "If you like him and think it'll last, go for it." What does he mean 'think it'll last'? "I don't know if I like him. I mean I've only known him for a couple of weeks" Maybe a month. "Well, I'll let you think it over. If you need something, just call me or something" he said and walked out without looking back or saying bye. 

Maybe I could give Ashley a chance..It wouldn't hurt right? He's been really nice to me and I think I might just possibly have some feelings for him..

                                                 ***Later that night***

Ashley finally came home but not alone from what I could hear. I slowly got up and put on the first sweater I could find which was pretty big on me. I quickly fixed my hair and began slowly walking down the hall making my way to the stairs. 

I got to the top of the stairs and saw Ashley, Andy and a handsome guy with a huge smile on his face. "Hey, I'm Christian!" he told Andy. 

I slowly took a step down trying not to hurt myself or fall. I took two more when my heart skipped a beat. I lost my quickly lost my balence and grabbed the railing to help me down, Ashley, Andy and Christian looked up over to me. Ashley quickly ran up the stairs and wraped his arm around my shoulder "You ok?" he asked helping me walk down the stairs "Yeah" I quietly said. 

Christian looked a little confused for a second then grew a smile on his face "Ashley! You never told me you got a girl!!" he said loudly, I quickly shock my head "No, I'm not his girlfriend!" I quickly said. I hope I didn't say it like it would be a bad thing. I don't want to hurt Ashleys feelings. 

"Oh" Christian said confused and looked at Andy "It's a long story" he told him, Christian nodded and we all walked over to the living room where I saw Jinxx and Jake. 

The guys began talking about their band and gave Christian some papers which I'm guessing is music notes or something. 

The hole time I sat there not saying a word. I leaned over to Ashley and whispered in his ear "Can you help me back upstairs?" I asked and he nodded. He stood up and helped me up and we walked over to the stairs and slowly began walking up. "So I was thinking" I quietly said "What about?" he asked as we walked back to my room "Uhm, I uh" he quietly said, how do I say this? "Uhm" I chuckled as I sat down on my bed "What is it?" he chuckled "I uh. I don't know how to say this" I chuckled "Wh-" "YES!" I said loudly "Yes, I'll go out with you" He sat there in shock and smilled. 

Gotta go! /: Work. But I'm off tomorrow so I'll update! 

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