You Can Just Call Me Ashley.

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So I deccided to update on this before I got to bed. I gotta wake up early  I gotta go to work for 8hrs /: Isn't life amazing!? -.-  I've been working for 6days in a row so far, tomorrow is 7..But thank god it's my last well for two days anyways, going to Toronto for my birthday!! :D Gonna be 16 on Thurday(: And getting my license on the 14th! xP 

Jinxx's P.O.V 

I could hear screaming from what I believe is coming from Amys room!! I should go see what's going on! I quickly got up and walked to the door "Where you going?" Jake asked and followed me, I turned around after opening the door "If you hear me yell your name, come as fast as you can and bring Andy and Ashley" I quickly told him then walked over to Amys room. 

I put my head against the door to make sure the screaming was from her room and well it is. I slowly put my hand on the door nob tell I her Amy scream again, I swong open the door and ran in. 

Amys P.O.V 

The door opened, not even a second later Jinxx came running in. I looked at him as he looked at my mum, dad and I. "What the FUCK?" My dad yelled as he turned to face Jinxx "Jinxx!?" I yelled, as if he is here! I don't want him to get hurt though! He looked at me worried, I seen in the corner of my eye that my dad was going to hit Jinxx or something, he slowly began raising his fist "JINXX!!" I yelled warning him, he looked at my dad but it was to late for him to dodge the punch.

He looked at my dad with anger in his eyes then quickly looked at me then my mum, right then I knew he was telling me to get my mum so I quietly but quickly got up and crawled to her. I put my index on my lip to tell her to be quiet, I untied her and she began slowly taking the tape off her mouth.

I looked back to Jinxx and saw my dad on top of him punching him non stop, I lightly pushed my mum to the closet and told her to go in there and hide, she kept waving her hand telling me to go with her, but I need to help Jinxx! I pointed to Jinxx but she kept waving her hand and pulled me with her, I got in the closet half way then quickly closed the door and ran over to Jinxx and my dad. I jumped on my dad and pulled him off of Jinxx. 

My dad is now on me and he began punching everywhere on my body tell he was pushed off of me, I quickly got up and saw that Jinxx was on top of my dad but he couldn't hold him down for much longer. My dad was throwing punches to Jinxx but would miss him most of the time "J-Ah JAKE!!" he yelled. Seconds later Jake Pitts, Andy Six and Ashley Purdy came running in, Jake Pitts helped Jinxx keep my dad down while Andy called the cops. Ashley Purdy came running to me "Oh my god!" he lightly put his hand on my cheek where I had a cut, I could feel the blood slowly going down my cheek. 

"One second!" he quickly said and ran to the bathroom, I looked at Andy Six who had just hong up the phone and walked over to Jinxx and Jake Pitts. I then remembered my mum and I think it should be ok to let her out now. I walked back to the closet and open the door, my mum ran out and huged me, she put her hand by my cut and before she could say anything I stop her and looked at her in the eyes "Go downstairs! The cops are coming mum! GO!" I told her and lightly pushed her towards the door, she looked back to me and I quickly waved my hand to tell her to go, she turned around and ran downstairs. 

Ashley Purdy came out with a cloth and a first aid kit, we sat on the bed and he began cleaning my cheek with the wet cloth. Seconds later some cops came in and they picked my dad up and put him in handcuffs, then came some anbulance guys, Jinxx and I had to follow them to the ambulance since we are able to walk. 

"Does that hurt?" the guy asked as he started pressing on my ribs, at first it didn't hurt but he found a  spot where it does "Ow!" I quickly said, I looked over to the other side of the parking lot where my dad was beeing put in the cop car. Ashley Purdy then began walking over to me tell another guy stop him "Sorry you can't go any farther" he told him "It's ok!" I said loudly to the guy who stop Ashley Purdy "I know him!" I told him. 

"Thanks for helping out Ashley Purdy" I thanked him when he got to me, he chuckled and sat down on the edge of the ambulance beside me "You can just call me Ashley" he told me "Oh alright" I said and looked around for Jake Pitts, Andy Six, Jinxx and my mum. "Where is Jinxx? And my mum, 'n Jake Pitts and Andy Six?!" I asked "Your mom is talking to a police officer, so is Jake and Andy. And Jinxx, he is in another ambulance" he told me. "Oh ok, do you know if Jinxx is really hurt?" I asked while looking for him "No, he's a strong dude, he should be fine. But how about you? Are you ok?" he asked. 

"My ribs hurt..And my cheek" I told him, he looked at my cheek "Well it is pretty bruised already" he said then looked to my ribs, well at least that's what I think/hope he is looking at..but still, I have a shirt on so he can't even see my ribs. 

"We're going to have to take you to the hospital" the guy told me as he walked infront of Ashley and I. "Oh ok" I quietly said and got up and so did Ashley "Do you want me to come with you?" Ashley asked, I looked around and saw that everyone is pretty busy talking to cops and stuff so he is the only one who can really come with me "Sure, if you don't mind" I said "No no, it's fine!" he quickly said and got up and made his way up in the ambulance, he then turned around and helped me up so I wouldn't hurt my ribs even more. 

"I'll tell the others that we're taking you to the hospital the guy said and closed the doors. Ashley then helped me up onto the bed "Thanks" I said and layed down as he sat down on the bench thing beside me. 

My ribs started to hurt more. I can't believe this is happening, I know my dad was rude and it's not right to abuse your kids but I never wanted to lose him.."Everything is going to be fine Amy Ashley told me as tears started racings down the side of my eyes, he reached out and held my head. Seconds later we started to move. 

"W-where am I?" I asked as I looked around seeing nothing but wires and the color blue. "Hey, it's ok Amy. We're in the hospital" I herd a voice tell me. I looked around tell I saw someone, "O-oh, Hi Ashley Pu-" "Just Ashley" he chuckled while walking over to me "How you feeling?" he asked "Tired, and sore" I told him "That's normal." he said. 

Ashleys P.O.V 

Is it possible that I might kinda like Amy!?

Gotta go to bed now, so Night, hope you enjoyed the new chapter and I might be able to update after work, I get off at 6PM but then I gotta pack my bag and my friend if coming over so Idk... Comment/Vote/FAN!(: 

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