Bad memories.

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Off for a couple of days tell my foot gets better. Happy but not, happy that I don't have to work but not 'cause I'm in pain (Not like it's anything new)If you guys want anyother story updated on just message me or comment! Either way works xP Anyways enjoy(: 

Amys P.O.V 

"Bye" Ashley and I said and waved while Ahsley opened the door "Bye! Have fun!" they all said and waved back but Jinxx "Bye Jinxx" I said while slowly taking a step back "Bye" he said and looked away. It seems like he doesn't want me to go out with Ashley..Like he is jealous.

I smilled at Ashley and thanked him for opening the car door for me then got in. He closed the door and walked over to his side and got in. The ride there was kinda quiet, well Ashley asked a couple of questions but I either nooded or shook my head no. Most of the time I was looking out the window out to the city, for some reason I didn't really feel safe, I felt like there was something missing or something wrong was going to happen. 

"Are you ok?" he asked as he parked in a parking lot at a big restaurant "Yeah" I quickly said and unbuckled my belt, I reached out my hand to open the door but Ashley already was out and had it opened for me, I smilled while getting out and took two steps forward so he would close the door. I waited a quick second for him to walk up beside me. 

I smilled again and wraped my arm around his and we both began to walk in. 

"Hi" The girl greated us once we walked in "Hi" Ashley and I said back "I mad a reservation a couple of days ago" Ashley told her "Name?" she asked "Ashley, Ashley Purdy" he told her, she looked in the book then went to the second page and found his name "Alright, follow me and I'll bring you to your table" she told us and grabbed two menus and began walking. 

People were stairing at Ashley and I as we walked over to our table, we don't look bad! I've seen some pictures of all the guys in their makeup and stuff and well Ashley isn't like that tonight! He is wearing a suit with a bow tie! He looks really good! And myself sure I got short purple hair but really, that is no excuse to stair! Plus I'm just wearing a black dress a little over my knees, I don't got tattoos. Whatever. They can stair all they want! 

"Alright, here are your seats" she told us and stop at a table for two, we sat down and the girl handed us our menus "Can I get you anything to drink?" the girl asked "Uhm, your best wine" Ashley told her, she nooded her head and walked away. We both opened our Menu and looked threw it. 

I ordered some pasta and Ashley ordered some type of chicken, it sounded fancy..Well we are in a big fancy looking restaurant.. 

Not long after we ordered our food a guy came up with two wine cups and a big wine bottle, he placed our cups down then carefully opened the wine bottle for us. "Thank you" I said as he poured some wine in our cups "Your welcome" he said then placed the bottle on our table and walked away. 

"So are you still thinking about going to New York with your mom?" he asked and took a sip of his wine "Uhm I'm not sure right now" I told him then took a sip of my wine "Wow, this is good wine!" I said and carefully put my cup down "Yeah, it is!" he agreed. 

Once our dinner came we had already finished the bottle of wine "Here you go" the guy said while placing our plates in front of us "Thank you" I said "Uhm do you think we could get another bottle" Ashley slowly asked, the guy looked at our bottle, his eyes quickly grew whide, he slowly reached out and grabbed the bottle "Sure" he said then walked away. I feel like a alcoholic or something for drinking all that wine so fast! But it's really good! 

"What?" Ashley asked "Huh?" I'm kinda confused at the moment "What are you thinking?" he asked and put down his fork "Oh, it's 'cause the guys face expression. It made me feel like I'm an alcoholic  or something" I chuckled "Pfff it's just wine!" he said and began eating his chicken, I chuckled and began eating my pasta. 

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