[Chapter 1]

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It was a mid day everything was running smoothly and the bodega was in tip top shape I was sitting on my floor in my room, wondering what I should put on the walls

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It was a mid day everything was running smoothly and the bodega was in tip top shape I was sitting on my floor in my room, wondering what I should put on the walls. My parents wouldn't be home for the next 4 hours. I check my phone to see what time it is "4:37 pm" I groan as I'm gonna be alone for a while. I decide to call my friend Maliik. He picks up after 3 rings

M: Ugh stop being so dry in text bitch, imma pull up and teach you how to talk  over text.
Y: I'm sorry, things have been going in a wreck lately and I feel like today is the only steady day.
M: girl if you don't go to that club and shake yo ass that will make your week much better trust me
Y: Maliik, no that's not for me and you know it
M: girl imma show you one day okay
Y: okay but if I'm trying something new your trying something new
M: unt unt I'm not doing that painting shit
Y: c'mon now lei, you know how much painting means to me
M: to you I'm not getting my clothes dirty unt unt girl
Y: You're a hot mess Lei
M: Im not a hot mess I am a scorching hot gay mess get it right
Y: -laughter- you never fail Lei
M: I know
Y: hey look imma call you back I have an idea of what to paint
M: BYE NU NU and don't forget that club offer is still open
Y: Ugh no BYE LEI
After I hung up ok Maliik I went down stairs left a note for mom and dad, got my skateboard and headed outside with my bag of supplies. I stopped at a new place I've been working on. To my surprise I see someone else painting just a bit further from my painting that I did a few weeks ago. "Oh hey" I must've startled them because they jumped I walked a little closer so I can see their figure it was a boy who was about my skin tone he had a high top Afro and some fire sneakers "Oh, I didn't see you there" I chuckle to release some of the tension between us "Do you know who did this" the boy asks "yeah I'm pretty sure their name is on it" I say in response while taking out the dirty bottle that hole spray paint in them "it says Y/n L/n" "That's me" I say "oh you did an amazing job, My name is Eli I'm kinda new to the spray painting world" I look over to him and see what he was working on "Really, it seems like you have a lot of experience." I say in shock
He chuckles a bit and looks away. He made a field of flowers with some words in cursive at the bottom. He asks me for some tips on what he can do for it to be better. I show him the basics for most of the time
After around 3 hours we made a piece together, exchanged numbers, and I went home since it was about time for my parents to be closing up the shop.
I get on my skateboard and head home.
Just as I was waiting for a light to turn I get a call
Incoming call:
Birth Giver
I groan, she didn't see the note I left on the fridge. I answer while walking skateboard in hand
Y: hello beautiful mother
Y: I'm walking home right now
M: You better be why are you out so late at night
Y: I went to paint
Y: no I went with someone, and you didn't see the note I left on the fridge
M: What note there isn't a note on the fridge
Y: oh well I left a note on the fridge
M: -sighs- look I don't want you roaming the streets late at night anymore do I need to give you a curfew
Y: NO! okay I'm almost home and I promise to not go out without you knowing we're I am ever again.
M: you swear
Y: I swear
M: okay you better be home in 5 minutes your getting the worst ass whoopin in your life.
Y: Okay I love you mom
M: mhm
She hung up on me I started to walk a little faster just because I don't want to get a whooping.
I walk up to the brownstone I take out my key and open the door.
God I'm so late my sister came back from work. "Good for you to join us" my sister said while braiding my other sisters hair. The smell of seasoning filled the air. I walk through the room trying to be unnoticed. "Y/N M/N L/N COME HERE RIGHT NOW"
I hear my dads voice beaming through the whole apartment. "Oh lord help me" I say under my breath "The lord aint gonna help you they are mad" My sister says laughing in between her words. I sigh and walk towards the kitchen
After a stern talking to by both parents about how I need to stop leaving without telling them. I walked up in my room and sat at my desk
"-sigh- what am I gonna do school starts in two weeks and I don't even know if Maliik and his family are moving or not" The breeze from outside slipped through the crack in my window. I look out the window I see a silhouette of someone I then see a line of what looked like to be frosting shoot past my window I after a few seconds I see spider man himself fly past window. I look dumbfounded. Did I just see what I thought I saw? I grab my phone and go outside to stand on the stairs that go near my window. I start recording. I still see him swinging past buildings I go back inside and send the video to Maliik.

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M: girl wtf is this
M: okay... good for u
M: okay OH BITCHH😧
M: you had a crush on him since he came to be Spider-Man... you have posters of him in your room
M: No it's giving fan behavior
Y: ugh goodnight Lei
M: Sleep tight and tell Christy I said hi
Y: okay
Christy is my sister she has a job so she doesn't stay home as much as me, mom, and dad do I have another sister her name is Kay she's 7 and is a drama queen she goes to school but she stays in the back with my parents at the bodega.
I play "As I am by H.E.R"
I hum along to the song and sing some of the words out while sketching for tomorrow's painting


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