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Another Love - Tom Oddell
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I puff out the cigarette smoke into the air and watch it slip away into non-existence. This used to fascinate me as a kid. I chuckle at this thought, it was ironic actually, everything really did slip into non-existence for me. Everything. I puff my cig but no smoke filled my lungs. I huff and shove my hand into my pocket in an attempt to search for my lighter.
I felt a drip of water splash onto my head, then another, then another. Fucks sake. The rain began to pour heavily. It fell dramatically, and all at once. I watched as puddles formed around me. There was no chance I'd be able to smoke in this weather.
The door bashed open and I looked to see who came out.
My heart skipped a bit when I saw her. It was like a breath of fresh air. My stomach tensed and I swallowed.
"Here she is!" I say.
"Fuck off Cook." She spat back. My heart panged.
I look at her carefully. She's stood in front of me. I didn't know what to say so I said something stupid, as normal. "Have fun in the looney bin did ya?"
She eyed me carefully, no expression over her perfect face. "It wasn't you that I wanted, you were bad for me, you were the easier option." Effy said, coldly.
My mouth went dry. I knew all of this already. There was nothing she could say that I hadn't already said to myself.
"If this was us meeting for the first time, I'd do it all again. Everything. The fucks, the fuck ups, everything. I'd do it all again" I say.
She blinks at me. Rains drops dripping down her pale face.
"What's that supposed to mean?" She said. 
"It means I still love you." I reply. Searching for a reaction in those big blue eyes.
"Piss off." Effy spat, pushing past me and walking off. I stared at where she stood for a moment. She really did love Freddie and not me. There was nothing I could do about it. But I still love her.
I watched her walk off.

The next day I was walking in the park after getting a call from Freddie, who was worried about Effy and upset because she dumped him, and I saw her. She was sat on a bench, staring at the world around her as if it was new.
"Here she is." I said, as I took a seat next to her on the bench. I place a fag in my mouth and light it. She looks at me.
"It's not good for you that." She said.
I look up, confused.
"That has never bothered you before." I say, shaking my head slightly, and continuing to smoke my cigarette.
"You know," She starts, staring at the pond before us. I look at her. "I walk through this park everyday, and I've never noticed there's a pond here, Can you believe that? Every day for years...and then today...bam...like it came out of nowhere."
I look at her.
"What the fuck are you on about?" I say. She looks at me. "Yeah yeah, I know 'piss off' and all that."
I drag my cigarette and think back to yesterday when she walked away from me.
"What?" She replied.
"Listen, I got a call, from your man, he's all in a tizzy." I say. "So I thought I'd come and hear your side of the story."
She smiled.
"Sorry I don't understand." She said.
"Come on Eff." I say, trying to keep a drained tone out of my voice before I dragged on my cigarette.
She looked at me, clearly confused.
"Eff? Whose Eff?" She said. 
This humours me.
"Yeah of course, sorry, you're not Effy...I've mistaken you for someone else." I say sarcastically.
She shrugged her shoulders and smiled at me.
She was joking now. Surely.
"Looks like it." She said, looking back at the pond.
Excited for what was to come next I ask her. "So what is your name?" A smile plastered on my face.
I could smell the day that was ahead.
She turned and looked at me slowly.
I decide to play the game.
I turn to her. "Elizabeth, nice to meet ya, I'm James." I say, placing my fag in my mouth so I could shake her hand.

We ended up at a rooftop party. People danced around us.  She was grinding on me and I was getting hard. Fuck, I missed her. He turned to face me and I wrapped my hand around her waist, pulling her close so our faces were touching. I looked at her face and we locked eyes and smiled.
We danced through the night. I was twirling her around.
I left to go to the toilet and when I came back she was looking over at the city by a balcony. She spoke as I came back over to her.
"I wouldn't normally go for a drink with someone I just met."

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