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505 - Arctic Monkeys
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It was Katie Fitch's birthday party today. She'd sworn off having a shared party with her twin, Emily - so she'd arranged her own birthday. Mae wasn't actually going to go, but Naomi had managed to convince her to go. Mae only agreed because Naomi had told her about this boy that had come to visit from Swindon, Naomi thought they'd be a good match. Mae pulled on a tight black dress and some lacey tights. She put more of an effort into her makeup, carefully applying lipstick and eyeliner. She smacked her lips together and smiled in amusement at her appearance through her dresser mirror that her dad had smashed prior in one of his drunken-bipolar rages.

Her phone lit up and Cook's face appeared, he was ringing her for the 5th time today, and she planned to ignore his calls again. She hadn't forgot about his twat of a girlfriend. Mae shoved her ringing phone into her bra and lit a cigarette. She plummeted down the stairs and mumbled goodbye to her father who was doing the air guitar to oasis on the sofa.
However, her dad didn't hear her because his music was so loud.
"Soooooo Sally can wait...she knows it's to late as she's waking on byyyy!" He screamed, awfully mimicking a guitar player with his hands that were cut up with shards from smashed bottles.
"BYE DAD!" Mae screamed over the music, reaching to turn the music down. Mae's father swatted her hand away and ruffled her head.
"Bye kiddo!" He grunted, stealing the cigarette out of Mae's mouth.
Mae rolled her eyes and pulled another her cigarette out of her packet, before turning on her heel and walking out of her flat.

When she arrived at the party, it seemed like a raging sex fest. Everyone's faces were practically attached. Mae snarled at this couple that were ramming their tongues into each other's mouths. "Gross." She muttered under her breath trying to look for Naomi. A guy slapped her bum as she pushed into the living room. She turned around and smacked him across the face. A boy came from no where and punched the bum-slapper across the face, sending the boy back a few paces.
Mae smirked and began to walk away.
"No thankyou?" The boy said, shaking his red hand.
Mae turned to look at him, he was a tall, handsome brunette boy with silver eyes.
"Thanks." Mae said sarcastically before scanning her eyes around to look for Naomi.
"Looking for Naomi?" The boy said, leaning on the living room door frame.
Mae was about to question the boy but she decided she wasn't arsed for an answer.
"You must be Mae, the pink hair gave it away." The boy smirked, looking into Mae's eyes. Mae figured that this is the boy that Naomi was on about.
Mae huffed and said. "Yep."
"Feisty aren't you?" He smirked.
"Look, are you going to keep pestering me, or are you going to help me find Naomi." Mae snapped, crossing her arms.
"Don't you wanna do something illegal." He replied, pulling a bag of pills out of his pocket.

Before Mae knew it she was high as a kite on a sofa with the boy who she was talking to earlier. She hadn't bothered to ask for his name as she had been too busy taking pills off his tongue and exchanging sex-leading kisses off of his mouth. Cook was sat on the chair opposite, Alicia was perched on his lap judging all the girls in the room, Mae mostly.

Mae opened her eyes whilst tongue battling with the unknown-named boy. She watched as Freddie handed Cook a 6 pack of beer and Cook chugged them all back, almost throwing up. Alicia clapped and let out high-pitched giggle. Cook looked over at Mae and smiled brightly.
"Mae, remember when you threw up your kebab all over me the other week."
Mae disconnected her lips from the boy.
"Shut up, James." Mae Snarled as the boy pulled her face back towards his needily.
Alicia narrowed her eyes.
"What's his name?" Alicia said, her eyebrow raised.
Mae glared at her.
"Jaden." Mae lied.
The boy hesitated then nodded.
Alicia sighed and walked out the room, grabbing Cook's wrist. Cook resisted. Mae sniggered as Alicia stormed off.
Mae turned back to "Jaden" and began kissing him again. "What...is...your...name?" Mae said in between kisses.
"Josh." He replied.
Mae giggled and swirled her tongue around Josh's mouth. Josh slid his hand up Mae's leg, making butterflies flutter around Mae's stomach. She felt Cook's eyes digging into her. She ignored the sensation and moaned into Josh's mouth. He kissed down her neck and he slid his hand up and gripped her inner thigh. She moaned aloud.
"That's enough now." Cook snapped.
Mae giggled and pulled Josh closer to her by his t-shirt.
"I mean it Mae." Cook hissed.
Mae ignored him and gasped again at Josh's touch, opening her eyes and looking at Cook as she did it. Cook stood up and grabbed her arm, marching her out of the room.
"What the fuck Mae?" He hissed.
"What?" Mae shook her head.
"You practically eating that guys face is what." Cook snapped.
"So? I felt like it, and what?" Mae rolled her eyes.
"We'll you're not going back in there with him, I don't like the look of him." Cook voiced.
"You're not the boss of me, Cook." Mae said, turning around to walk off. Cook was surprised that he actually called him Cook, but shook it off and grabbed her hand before she could walk away.
"No Mae." He protested.
Mae snatched her hand back.
"If I want to shag someone, then I can, I've never stopped you before." Mae snorted.
"Whatever." Cook replied.
"Go and find that pathetic excuse of a girl of yours, she's probably off crying, you've probably fucked up another girl." Mae said, narrowing her eyes.
"You should probably go and check up your alcoholic father, who you should be trying to help instead of desperately ramming your tongue down a strangers throat." Cook shouted.
Mae threw a drink she'd grabbed from the table all over Cook. He nodded as she walked off, knowing he'd deserved that. He called after her, but she ignored him.


Mae woke up in a bed next to Josh. She stared at him. He was good looking. Mae sat up and pulled her dress back over her exposed breasts. She pulled on her tights and left the room, not bothering to wake up Josh to say goodbye. She tiptoed down the stairs and silently made her way to the front door.
"Scrub." A familiar voice muttered.
She turned and saw Cook slumped on the floor holding a half-drunken bottle of vodka in his hands.
"Look at the state of you, you gonna come with me or what?" Mae asked.
"You want me to come with you, after what I said last night?" Cook replied.
"I said something too, come on, let's get you sobered up." Mae said, holding her hand out for Cook to stand up.
Cook struggled to stand up, but was on his feet eventually.

"You really understand me, don't you?" Cook chuckled, placing a roll up between his pursed lips as they walked to Mae's house.
"I guess." Mae shrugged.
"I ended things with Alicia." Cook stated.
"About time." Mae hissed.
"She weren't that bad was she?" Cook chuckled. Mae just gave him a look that said enough.
"I was meant to be trying to stay away from girls and alcohol." He said.
"That's your whole life." Mae said honestly.
"Yeah, well I don't want it to be I want just one girl."

Mae thought that this would be near impossible giving his attention span and party-life, she decided to keep her mouth shut as Cook was relighting his nearly-finished cigarette but failing miserably. Mae snatched the lighter out of his hand and stood in front of him to do it for him.
She tilted the lighter to a certain angle and lit the cigarette as Cook examined her face.
"You're not bad looking, why don't you have a boyfriend." Cook said.
"Not bad looking? I'm gorgeous mate." Mae scoffed.
"Yeah well I didn't mean it like that." Cook said.
Mae rolled her eyes.
"Oh come on, we know you're the best looking girl for miles and miles." Cook added.
Mae didn't say anything, she wondered, was this Cook saying that he found her attractive?

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