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Kill Bill - SZA
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November came and went. Mae had been excited to put up the Christmas tree in her flat but was disappointed when her dad had knocked it over in his drunken state, so didn't bother to pick it back up. Cook was seeing this random girl called Alicia at the moment, he wanted her to meet Mae, but she wasn't the slightest bit interested. In fact, Mae was rather jealous of Alicia, she wouldn't say it out loud but jealousy was definitely there. Cook was spending a lot less time with Mae as he was always at Alicia's house.

Mae was sat on her desk doing her psychology homework when Cook came bursting in her room.
"Got any Condoms?" He said, desperately searching through her bedside draw.
"Hello to you too James, and no I don't." Mae said, getting up and slamming her draw shut.
Cook sat back onto Mae's bed as Mae eyed his crossly.
"Can't stop long, going to see Licy in half an hour." Cook said.
Mae snorted at Cook's cringey nickname for his new fling. "You may as well live with Licy at this point." Mae remarked.
"Can't you come with me to meet her?" Cook pleaded.
"Ummm, let me think...no." Mae retorted, typing on her keyboard slightly aggressively.
"Whyyyy?" Cook moaned.
"There's no point, she's not going to be around for long." Mae replied. She was interested in what his reply would be to this comment, but she hid it well.
"I don't know you know, I think I like her." Cook deliberated.
Mae didn't say anything but continued to write out her essay with her jaw clenched.
"You need some dick girl, you're getting aggier by the days." Cook laughed, throwing a teddy at her head.
Mae turned to glare at Cook.
"What about JJ?" Cook stated.
Mae thought that JJ was a lovely boy but was hurt that Cook thought that she'd sleep with him.
"No, didn't Effy and Freddie break up for the 4th time a couple weeks ago?" Mae asked, intending to piss off her best friend.
"You're not shagging Freddie." Cook said firmly.
"I didn't say I was going to, I changed the subject, besides who are you to tell me who I can shag?" Mae remarked and turned to look at Cook who looked like he was fighting an internal battle.
"Can I stop here tonight?" Cook asked, after being in a strop for a couple minutes.
"Mhmm." Mae nodded, finishing up the last sentence on her assignment.
"Great, I'll sleep on the floor though." Cook said.
This took Mae aback since she'd started to actually look forward to snuggling into Cook from time to time but she supposed it made sense since he basically had a girl now, she let go of it - ashamed of being so soppy in any case.

Cook begged Mae to come out for dinner with Alicia and him so she could meet his newest conquest. She eventually agreed to shut him up. She pulled on a tight satin dress and quickly curled her hair, shoving her feet into some black heels before leaving her flat.
"I like that dress on you." Cook said, looking her up and down.
"Cheers, don't be saying that stuff around Alicia though." Mae replied.
"Right." Cook nodded.

They eventually arrived at a posh restaurant near the town centre. Cook pushed the door open and we walked in, waiting to be sat by a waiter.
"Don't you two make a lovely couple?" A cute old lady smiled at Mae and Cook as she walked past.
"Oh we're not a couple." Mae laughed.
"That's what they all say." The old lady winked back. They both smiled awkwardly.

A waiter eventually came and seated the two at a window seat. The restaurant was quite beautiful, Ivy plants were growing everywhere giving, the room a healthy green glow. There were candles placed in the middle of the tables, the flames facing like fairies.
"It's beautiful in here." Mae smiled.
"Yeah, it is." Cook said, staring at her,a fascinated look on her face.
"Oh, she's here." Cook said, standing up to greet Alicia. Mae turned and saw a petite blonde girl walking up towards them. "He's definitely got a type" She thought to herself.

She smiled as the girl hugged Cook and took a seat.
"So, you must be Meredith." Alicia said in the most annoying, high-pitched voice imaginable.
"Mae." Mae said dryly.
"Maisie, okay, got it." Alicia giggled over dramatically and grabbed onto Cook's arm.
"No, it's M-" Mae began, but Cook cut her off to avoid any upset.
"So what we going to order then?" Cook asked, handing the menu's out.

Later on in the evening, Mae was sat awkwardly as Cook and Alicia snogged for the millionth time since they got here, it was getting rather embarrassing. Alicia kept yanking Cook towards her after every sentence. Mae tried to keep her bluntness at bay for the sake of Cook but her patience was wearing thin.
"Must you shove your tongue down his throat after every fucking sentence." Mae snapped.
Alicia paused and Cook put his head in his hands.
Alicia giggled.
Mae glared at the girl. She was the most average looking girl and she thought Cook could do way better, but she thought saying this would perhaps be a bit too far.
Mae kicked Cook under the table and he turned to look at her, the sound of their lips un-attaching sounding like a large suction cup being yanked off glass.
"I'm going, Cook." Mae crossed her arms.
"But I'm coming back with you?" Cook protested.
Alicia snorted.
" Problem?" Mae hissed, her arms crossed.
"Mae." Cook said.
Mae glared at Cook and he backed down.
"Look, I just can't see why you're here." Alicia hissed.
"I didn't want to be here, but James wanted me to meet you." Mae snorted.
"Who the hell is James?" Alicia laughed highly.
Mae rolled her eyes and stood up from her chair.
Cook stared at her.
"What?" She hissed.
"Mae, please try and get along with her, for me." Cook pleaded.
Mae sat back at the table with her arms crossed.

Mae was delighted to finally be at home and not in the presence of Cook's awful mega-bitch girlfriend. She stomped up to her room, Cook trailing behind her.
"Why don't you like her?" Cook pleaded.
"She's a knob, James." Mae hissed, jumping onto her bed and laying back.
"But I need you to like her, you're important to me." He moaned.
"Cook, are you sure you're not just like...lonely?"
"Yes I'm sure." He snapped.
He clambered onto the bed Mae had made for him and lay on the floor, drifting into a peaceful sleep. Mae lay awake on her bed thinking about her day. She thought about her best friend in the whole world and deliberated being at a wedding of his in the future, then decided she could not picture him getting married to Alicia, and with that thought she turned over and slipped into a deep slumber.


Mae woke up to Cook nuzzled in behind her. She didn't think much of it at first but soon remembered he'd initially fell asleep on the floor. She thought about making him go back on the floor out of respect for his fling, but remembered she was a prat and she couldn't care less about her. Cook lazily threw his arm around Mae.
Mae turned around and was now very close to Cook's face. She could feel his warm drawn out breaths fluttering across her own face. He had almost invisible freckles that she hadn't noticed before. Cook pulled her slightly closer in his sleep, their noses were touching gently and their lips were grazing against each other. Mae's heart pumped. She knew he was doing this in his sleep, but she didn't want to move.
"You're a naughty little girl Alicia." He mumbled drowsily in his sleep.
Mae scoffed and pulled Cook's arm from around her, moving to the other side of the bed and sulking.

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