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Still don't know my name - Labrinth
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Trigger warning: sexual assault

A few weeks passed by and the leaves had turned orange. College was as boring as ever for Mae and Cook. They often skived and went on mad adventures together. They were more or less best friends now. They occasionally hung out with Naomi too, but she was having problems with her girlfriend, Emily, so she didn't come out much.

Today someone was throwing a halloween party and Mae had thought carefully about what costume she wanted to wear. She wanted to be a sexy bunny. Mae pulled her costume out of her wardrobe. She carefully chose a tight black body suit that made her boobs sit nice. She paired it with a tiny tutu, in which you could see her bum poking out underneath, but she'd decided that she really didn't care much. She pulled her fishnet tights on then put the rest of the costume on. She curled her hair, put on red lipstick carefully, then placed on her bunny ears head band.

Mae heard the door knock downstairs and rushed down to answer it before her dad could. "Hey." She said, ushering out the door before Cook could see her dad inside.
"You look fit, but..." Cook said.
"But what?" Mae smirked.
"Well, where's the rest of it?" He asked.
Mae rolled her eyes and walked ahead, barely acknowledging Cook's policeman costume.
Cook stared at glimpses of Mae's bum
cheeks as she walked ahead in her heels.

Everyone turned to gasp at Mae's outfit as she walked into the house, Cook staring at her arse behind her. She pursed her lips into a sexy smile as she strutted into the living room where Naomi said to meet her and Emily.
"Hey." She said, when her and Cook finally found their friends.
"Fucking hell, you look fit." Naomi said.
"I know." Smiled Mae.
Emily glared at her.
"I'm Katie, Emily's sister." A girl with dark cherry red hair said, pushing Emily to the side.
"Mae." Mae replied, acknowledging the rudeness of barging your twin sister to one side.
Cook giggled behind Mae.
"Let's go dance." Mae said to Cook, looking a Katie who looked flabbergasted.
They turned and grabbed a drink from the drinks table before dancing to the music.

Mae's POV

Hours later, everyone was wasted. Freddie and Effy had arrived not long ago and hadn't stopped snogging since they arrived.  I thought this would annoy Cook, but it seemed as if he hadn't noticed. He was in the corner talking to a random girl in a shit little mermaid costume. I watched as he whispered something in her ear and giggled. I figured I ought to find someone now as all my friends were off with people. I saw JJ stood in a corner looking extremely awkward .
"You okay J?" I said, walking over to him.
He nodded. "I don't really have any friends here." He muttered.
"I'm your friend, right?" I said.
"That's lovely, but your Cook's friend and I'm just nice to you." He said.
I smiled at him politely and decided to go to the toilet.

I walked in the toilet and locked the door behind me, sat on the toilet and pulled my tights and pants down.
"Oh hi Mae!" Pandora called, her head popping up
from the bath, making me jump.
"For fucks s- what the hell are you doing in here?" I hissed pulling my pants up.
"Well, I'm not with Tommo anymore and Effy is tongue tangled with Fredster at the moment so I thought I'd come and sit in the bath." She said brightly.
"Right, would you mind turning around so I can have a piss?" I said through gritted teeth.
"Oh I already saw your tuppence, don't worry." She smiled.
I glared at her and she turned around.
"So why did you and Thomas break up?" I asked.
"Well I cheated on him, then he cheated on me." She replied.
"Right." I said, flushing the toilet then washing my hands.
"Can I hang out with you? you're cool." She asked.
I nodded and we left the bathroom together.
"I take it you came with Cook but he's going to make monkeys with someone else." She stated innocently.
"Yeah, it's not big deal though, we're not together." I laughed.
"Yeah but I think you'll fall in love like him and Eff did...well...." She said, realising that wasn't a great comparison to make.
"I doubt that." I laughed, understanding what she meant.

We walked back in the living room and I stood at the side of the room as Pandora disappeared into the crowd. A tall boy came and stood next to me. I looked at him, he had quite a nice face but looked quite serious. I looked away and watched everyone jump around. Then I felt the boy touch my leg. I froze. "Get off me." I snapped. He smirked at me.
"Everyone knows you're a slut, why are you being so pretentious, you can let me touch your ass now..."

I blinked in horror and pushed him away as he tried to grope me again. Before he could do anything else, Cook had appeared from no where. "You should leave." He said firmly. The boy scoffed and looked down at Cook, who was smaller than him, but I knew it Cook had drew his fist back and connected it with the boys face, hard.

The boy stumbled back and ran out of the room as everyone was now looking.  Cook went to go after him but I grabbed his arm. "No, it's alright, I'm just gonna go." I nodded at him. After a few minutes of convincing, Cook went back into the crown towards some girl.

I left and walked home. It was cold and rainy, the night felt miserable.

When I got home all was silent. For 1 in the morning, this would be average for most households - but not mine. My heart pounded. I lightly pushed the living room door open. My mouth felt dry. I peered around the corner.

Third Person POV

As Mae peered around the corner of the door she saw her drunken father lay flat on the floor. For a moment, she was frozen. Her dad groaned as she walked in. "Dad?" She whimpered, getting on her knees next to him and shaking him.
She whipped out her phone and phoned the emergency line who told her to take him to A&E . She was holding her dads hand when she decided to call Cook to help as she wouldn't be able to lift him in and out of a taxi on her own.
"James, it's my dad...can you come to mine?" She sobbed.

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