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R.I.P. 2 my youth - The neighbourhood
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A couple weeks had gone by, and everyone had planned to go clubbing. Naomi had persuaded me to come out as I'd spent most of my time sulking on her sofa, listening to her and Emily either shag or argue.

I went home to grab some fresh clothes. I dabbed cologne onto the relevant places before heading out to the club.

I'd pretty much given up with my alcohol ban.

The club line went round the corner of the street, but I pushed past everyone to see if I could find a friend to stand with. I couldn't see anyone so I tried to flirt with a girl to see if I could stand next to her in the queue.
"Alright love?" I said, eyeing her up and down "Nice knockers."
She scoffed at me and turned to her friend.
"Cook?" I turned and saw Mae stood about 10 people along. I squeezed past and stood next
to her. She always seems to pop up everywhere.

"Alright?" I said.
"Yeah." She smirked up at me.
She was in a lacy black dress that was slightly see through, I was sure I could see her tits.
"Ahem, eyes up." She smiled.
I looked into her green eyes.
"Where's everyone else?" She asked.
I shrugged my shoulders.
"Haven't spoke to any of them." I replied. I watched as she pulled a spliff out of her dress and a lighter from in between her tits.
"Want some?" She said, keeping strong eye contact with me and placing the spliff between her lips, lighting it.
"No thanks, just on fags at the moment." I said, breaking eye contact and pulling a fag out my pocket.
She watched me carefully.
"You sure, James?" She said.
"I'm sure, Mae." I smirked back.
"Hey look." She said, nodding towards a group of people who I soon realised to be our friends...and Effy.

We got into the club about 20 minutes later, and before I knew it, everyone was pissed, well, everyone but me. I watched everyone dance as I stood by the bar. A girl came and stood in front of me.
"Hi, handsome." She said. She was blonde and wearing the shortest blue dress possible.
"Alright?" I said.
I looked past her and Effy and Freddie were facing my way, laughing and dancing together.
The girl took step closer to me, I was about to ask her what her name was but then someone tapped my arm.
"You coming to dance?" Said Mae, who was slurring her words slightly. I was going to say no but she pouted at me and I couldn't say no.
She jumped up and down to the music, running her fingers through her long pink and brown hair. 
She grabbed my hand and we jumped up and down for ages.

Mae disappeared after a while and I ended up dancing with the blonde girl from earlier. She was decent looking and had a nice body. Strictly-speaking I should be avoiding the whole hook-up culture shit, but just one won't hurt. I pulled the girl closer to me and crashed my lips onto hers. I hadn't even cared to ask for her name because my dick was growing fast in my trousers. She wrapped her leg around my waist and plunged her tongue into my mouth.
I opened my eyes and looked over to see Effy and Freddie doing full blown pdsa in the corner. Effy happened to open her eyes and look at me. I decided to fling the girl over my shoulder and carry her towards the exit as she squealed and giggled. I'd almost reached the door when I heard Mae.
"Leaving so soon? you scored then James?" She said smugly, smiling mischievously
I took the girl off my shoulder and stood her next to me. She looked Mae up and down, Mae just smirked at her.
"Yeah I have." I chirped.
"What's her name then, incase she's, y'know...dodgey." Mae said with an amused look on her face and her arms crossed.
"Uh....it's." Started.
"Annabelle." The girl said dryly.
"Right." Mae voiced, seeming uninterested as she applied a layer of lipgloss in her phone camera and smacked her lips together. 
"So, I'll see you around then." I said, watching her carefully and re-adjusted her slightly opaque dress.
"Maybe you will, maybe you won't." She said, winking at me then screwing her nose into a sarcastic smile at Annabelle
"See you, Arrabella." She chuckled at the girl who was tugging on my arm. Mae turned and strutted off, her bouncy, curled brown and pink hair following behind her. I could see her black thong under her dress as she disappeared back into the crowd.
"She was annoying." Annabelle scoffed.
"Yeah, whatever...take your knickers off then."

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