t h i r t e e n

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Give me love - Ed Sheeran
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Everything seemed grey outside Mae's bedroom window. It was four am and she'd not slept. Cook had stopped ringing and texting Mae. In a way this was a good thing, as Mae didn't want to get her heart broke by him, but she missed him gravely. Mae gave up with trying to even fall asleep, she sat up and snatched her moms latest letter off her bedside table. She tore the envelope open, ignore the letter and read the cheque. "£2.5k this month, rich bastard." Mae muttered to herself, smiling slightly as she tossed the cheque into her handbag.

Mae decided to start getting ready for college really slowly, taking the time to watch her favourite TV series on her laptop. She finished getting ready and slopped down the stairs to make some toast. Her dad was sprawled across the kitchen floor harbouring a bottle of beer in his hands. Mae used her foot to move him out the way, he woke up with a stir.
"You know your dad loves you yeah?" He groaned. Mae rummaged through her pocket and threw a £20 note at him.
"Cheers kid." He said, standing up and heading out the flat ready to buy more booze.


Mae slumped down into her form seat for the first time in a few days. Cook stared at her from the seat adjacent to hers. "What?" She said, pretending to act annoyed.
"Are you...ghosting me?" Cook said.
"Yes." Mae said bluntly.
"Oh, well you can stop that now." Cook smiled.
She'd normally laugh, but Mae ignored him and turned her attention to Kieran who was blabbering on about not doing drugs. As soon as form finished Mae left college. She couldn't ignore Cook the whole day.

She decided to get absolutely plastered at the pub on the corner of her street. When she walked in, all the men started staring at her. She confidently strode to the bar.
"Aal-riyte luv, what can ah get yus?" The bar lady asked in a thick Manchester accent.
"Double vodka and cranberry please, with a cherry in it." Mae said.
"I'll pay." A familiar voice said.
Mae turned her head to see josh towering over her.
"Alright, sexy?" He said.
Mae smirked.
She took the drink off the bar maid and thanked her, taking the cherry out of her drink. She placed the cherry between her teeth and bit down slightly before popping it out of her mouth, making sure her lips moved seductively around the cherry as it left her mouth.
Josh watched her carefully.
Mae loved being seductive, people stared at her all the time, so she figured that she may as well get some satisfaction out of it.
"That was hot." Josh said.
"What was?" Mae said, batting her eyelashes innocently.
"We gonna replay the other night or what then?" Josh said.
"The other night? I don't remember sorry." Mae lied.
"What? that was a good shag." Josh said.
"Meh, I don't remember finishing." Mae said brutally.
Josh laughed. "I'll make you remember."

Two hours later they were the life of the pub. Mae had sung Amy Winehouse on the karaoke twice as Josh cheered on the side. Cook's uncle Kieth came stammering and spotted Mae who was snogging Josh in the corner.
"Mae! Alright Kidda! Just about to ring Cook actually!" Uncle Keith boomed. Mae detached her lips from Josh's and looked at Kieth.
"I see you've got yourself a fella!" He roared.
Mae smiled awkwardly.
"He's not my fella." She said, trying to keep politeness in her tone.
"Yeah yeah, see ya!" He smiled brightly, grabbing a package from the bar and heading out the pub.
Mae turned back to Josh and carried on snogging him. She figured that if Cook was still gonna be shagging who knows, she may as well carry on with her life.



I'd attached a dart board to the ceiling of my room at the college halls. I was frantically throwing velcro darts at the dart board as my phone was ringing out on my chest.
ring ring
ring ring
ring ring
ring ring
you have reached the voicemail of Mae, please leave a message after the tone
"Mae? what the fuck? you can stop all this now, I know I've probably done something, because it's always me, but at-least give me the chance to make it up to you." I said for what felt like the 60th time sending Mae a voicemail.
That's when my phone started chiming it's ringtone. I hurried to pick it up but realised it wasn't who I wanted it to be.
"Alright uncle Kieth?" I voiced lazily.
"Alright kid, got some spunk for ya here, just seen your lady friend up the pub with a fella, now I don't know why you didn't give a pop at that girl, I reckon she'd have been good for you." Kieth lectured.
"Mhmm, yeah, what pub?" I said, biting my lip.
"The hog and the hounds head," He replied "Anyway, I've gotta see a dog 'bout a bone, see you soon chap."
Kieth ended the phone as I shot up from my bed.

After a twenty minute walk to the pub. I finally arrive. I stand and watch the outside for a while, hiding in the shadows opposite the road. That's when I see Mae come piling out with the cock she was with at the party the other day. I stamp my fag out and cross the road in rage.
"Cook?" She giggled, gripping onto his leather jacket, swaying side to side evidently amused with whatever alcohol had passed her lips.
"What the fuck are you doing, getting this pissed with a bloke you've only met once!" I scowl. She giggled and nearly falls, clutching onto me this time.
"Yeah. No. You're not going home with him, he's not even as drunk as you." I spit, glaring at the boy who was just smiling at her.
I pick her up bridal style and she doesn't bother to fight back.
"Bye Joshie!" She called as I marched away and back up the street.
"James?" She said brightly.
"My panties are on show." She sniggered.
I put her down on the ground and hold her hand to stop her falling.
"James?" She said, now whispering.
"Yes, mae." I replied.
"I want you to love me, but I don't think you can...heck, I can't even love either...I don't think" She smiled.
This sent me back.
I blink at her. I watch her face. Her smiling at me. I want to tell her to stop smiling at me. That this isn't funny. And I don't like her like that. But that would be a lie. But I don't want to hurt like how I hurt with Effy.
"I want to, but I'm scared Mae, you scare me." I whisper.
"Please let me in, I'll try too." She sounded, her voice slightly cracking.
I didn't know she felt like this.
"I'll try, but If it feel like it's getting too much..." I start.
She nodded knowingly. She understood me.
I smile at this.
I scoop her up and carry her the rest of the way, only putting her down to let us into my accom room.

"James? I want you." She whispered into my ear, making me scramble to unlock the door quicker. I pull her inside and shut the door, putting my back against it.
We stood and watched each other for a while.
I deliberated wether I want to do this to her.
Will I ruin her?
Will it ruin me?
It's different because we were friends before, so we could lose something. I wish I'd have thought about how Effy could have affected me. I don't even talk to Freddie much nowadays.

All doubts went out the window as she lifted her tiny dress over her head leaving her in a green lacy panties and bra.
I've always hated green.
It's now my favourite colour.
I examined her body, the way her tits sat perfectly in her bra, the slightly see through lace tantalising me and everything I've ever known.
I couldn't keep my hands off her any longer.
I launch myself at her without warning, crashing my lips onto hers. I felt nervous as she stood before me.
She wrapped her arms around my neck and whispered. "It's okay, we can take it easy."
I nodded as she planted warm kisses on my neck.
She climbed onto my bed and held her arms out. I changed into just my boxers and lay in her arms. I fell asleep as she played with my hair and hummed a song gently.

Keep Driving // James Cook x OCWhere stories live. Discover now