f o u r t e e n

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Garden (say it like that) - SZA
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(third person)

Mae was rudely awaken from thumps below her bedroom. Her eyes flickered open and adjusted to the snowflakes that were floating by her window. She attempted to pull the duvet over her in an attempt to keep herself warm but eventually gave up, getting out of bed to shout at her drunken father.

"Eh eh now sugar, let your dad sing his heart out to good ol' Freddie Mercury." Her father slurred, grasping onto his six pack of cheap cans.
"You're going to drink your livers out if you don't stop this stupid habit, dad." Mae lectured, however, her father wasn't listening - he was doing air guitar to bohemian rhapsody and flicking his greasy hair out of his face. Mae sighed and unplugged the switch to his speakers and snatched his cans.
"What the fuck, Mae, why you being such a bore you big ol' lump." Her dad whined, getting off of the dining table chair.
"It's 5 in the morning, I would like some sleep, and you should get some too!" Mae seethed walking towards the door.
"Now listen you, you don't get to ruin your old man's fun, I'm the adult here!" He roared.
Mae snapped her head round to face her father.
"You've finally realised you're an adult?" Mae scoffed. "Fuck off dad."
Mae's father roared with drunken laughter before he launched himself at his daughter who was clutching onto his beer like her life depended on it. They tugged and tugged until Mae's dad let go, causing the can to catapult into Mae's face. She winced and reached up to but her hand up-to her now throbbing eye.
"Dad!" Mae groaned. She threw the cans at her dad chest, who caught them and turned into the living room - failing to apologise to his daughter.


"The fuck happened to you?" Cook questioned as Mae slumped into her form seat with a black eye.
"My dad, it was an accident, we were fighting over cans." She replied.
Cook screwed his face but ultimately decided not to say a word incase he pissed her off.
"So, you coming out tonight then?"
"James, it's thursday." She laughed, patting down a piece of him hair which was out of place. 
"Yeah, student night? fifty percent off?" He said.

Emily Fitch came into the room, laughing her head off and dragging a random girl with bright green hair into the room. "Does she even go here?" Cook whispered to Mae, obviously on about the green haired girl who was now kissing Emily. "No." Mae said, turning to look at Naomi, who looked like death warmed up. Naomi offered Mae a sad smile. Mae felt sorry for her in a way.

"So, you coming out then?" Cook repeated.
"Drinking? no? we're going to end up like my dad at this rate." Mae laughed.

Then Freddie walked in, holding Effy's hand. Mae wondered why the universe makes shitty thing happen at the wrong times, just as things begin to align. "Their back together then?" A classmate whispered from behind Mae and Cook, causing Cook to look up and realise what was going on. She watched as Cooks face dropped.
"No, Effy is just blind now and she needs a chaperone to hold her hand to get to lessons." Mae said to the classmate behind her.
"Really?" The classmate replied.
"No." Mae stated dryly, annoyed that the classmate had evidently make Cook realise what had just happened.

Cook sat quietly as Mae wondered is she'd ever be able to fill the void that Effy had made. She'd decided she didn't actually like Effy all too much once she'd thought about what she'd basically done to Cook. Effy and Freddie sniggered the whole way through the lesson. Naomi had sat miserably the whole lesson too, watching as Emily was messing around with the random girl no one had seen before.

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