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Ghostin - Ariana Grande
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I walked her all the way to Freddie's. He opened the door and panicked when he saw her. He helped me rest her on his sofa. I sat on the floor and rolled a spliff as he called an ambulance. I couldn't help but notice that he said that she was his friend and not his girlfriend. So I guess things didn't work out between then. That's why she wanted to kiss shitty old me so bad. Typical. I turn and look out into the hall and see a bag that I recognised to be Freddie's, it was stuffed with things. I realise he put the phone down so I decide to question him.

"Are you fucking skipping out on me man? After all that's happened you're gonna get up and leave?" I asked. He sighed and kicked the living room door shut so I could no longer see the bag, as if I hadn't seen it already.

"I was gonna leave later."

I stood up. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
"So you was just gonna leave her?" I spit.

"Cook, she broke my heart man!"

"And she broke my heart too...you broke my heart...I bet you've broken hers at some point."

He didn't say anything so I continued.

"So what are we gonna do? are we just three losers screwing each other forever? or are we something better than that?"

I waited for Freddie to respond but he didn't. I looked at him sideways. He was close to tears.

"Fuck mate, grow up, cause I'm done here." I turned and walked away.

"Thanks for bring her to me." He said eventually.

I turn back around. "Where the fuck else would I bring her? Don't screw it up." I said. With that, I turned and left.

I walked back to my dorm. I stopped on the way and bought a bottle of vodka on the off license. I began to sob. I was truly done with this triangle. I've seen enough now. Nothing I could possibly do would ever make her love me like she loves him. I love her more, and it doesn't even matter. But I'm done. I'm letting go. I'm disengaging. Done.


(A/N in the series, Freddie gets murdered at this point - Freddie is very much alive in my story babes don't you lot worry. Cook is not excluded from college and has not been sent to jail. It is the start of their second year, everything that happened in skins the tv show, happened in year one in my story. x )

I wake up. My head panged immediately. I shrug it off and reach for my phone.

Two new notifications from: Fredster

Fredster: She's fine, bck in hospital

I sigh and sit up from my bed. I jump in the shower and then brush my teeth before spraying deodorant and putting on clean clothes. I look at myself in the mirror.
"No more!" I say, pointing at myself.
I pick up some cash from my desk and a pull all the stuff out of my clothes from last night and shove them into my pocket. I decide to head to college for once.


Dark Red - Steve Lacy
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