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Everything I wanted - Billie Eilish
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Three weeks later

"I fucking hate you!" Mae screamed at her father and he stood in the doorway of her bedroom. He chuckled a deep laugh as he drunkenly swayed around the doorway clutching Mae's biggest secret in his filthy hand.

"All that lager you've stopped me from buying kid, I am always the first to receive the post in this house, you can't beat me to it, all of these cheques are mine now." He grinned as he jumped up and down, gripping onto a cheque that Mae's mother had sent her. Her dad was raiding the post to see if there were any coupons for beer but came across the monthly letters that always came along with a cheque.

Mae sat on her bed with her arms crossed. She could not believe her father had found that money. He ran across the landing, spilling beer all over the place as he galavanted around like a footballer celebrating a goal. She gripped her bedsheets tightly as her veins filled with fiery rage. The more her father celebrated, the hotter she felt. She tried to fight the overwhelming feeling to stand up and strike her father as she watched the cheque crease in her dads alcoholic hands. That's when it came to her.
"The cheque won't go in your account dad, it's in my name." She bragged, launching herself at her dad to snatch it out of his hand, but he was gripping tightly.
He tried to swat her away but failed as Mae lunged for the piece of paper her father was now holding in the air like a child.
"Na na na naaa naaaa!" He teased as Mae jumped with all her might, grasping onto the staircase bannister to secure herself. Her father chuckled at the sight of his daughter desperately trying to grab the money from his hand.
"Not so slick are you now eh? imagine hiding all this money from your old man." He tutted as red hot tears flushed down Mae's bright red face.
"Dad, please!" She pleaded, conjuring all her strength to do one final jump for the paper. But she was falling backwards, she'd forgotten to grab the bannister to the stairs. She tried hold onto something...anything, but failed as she toppled backwards.
She'd rolled and hit her back
She was half way down.
And with one final blow.....

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