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Sparks - Coldplay
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Mae almost began snoring as she listened to Sadie talk about serpents, masks and Lady Macbeth. Most people considered William Shakespeare as a legend, but Mae thought he was a pussy. She found it odd how he beat around the bush with his writing and didn't say things how they were, why was everything SO metaphorical? Considering Shakespeare was every english teacher's hero, Mae considered his beating-round-a-bush a severe hamartia.  She banged her head on the desk out of boredom as Sadie spoke about Shakespeare as if they have rough sex every night. Cook sniggered as Mae rubbed her head after she hit it off the desk a little bit too hard. "Shut up." She snapped as she rubbed her throbbing forehead, but she couldn't help but smile as Cook was laughing his head off.

"Wanna bunk off?" He whispered in her ear.
Mae thought about it for a second. She knew that she was talented at English, she always had a natural talent, so she didn't really need to be there.
"Where we gonna go?" Mae whispered back.
"Wherever you want." Cook smiled.
"Uh, Sadie, me and Cook bumped heads, can we go and get an ice pack or something?" Mae asked.
"Yeah, go ahead." Sadie replied.
they grabbed their stuff and headed out the room and out of college.

"So, where do you want to go?" Cook asked.
"When I was little, I always went and sat by the canal where I used to live, I used to watch the boats go past - they moved so peacefully, and I just wanted peace, my dad was always drunk, alcohol doesn't mix with a personality disorder." Mae said.
Cook nodded slowly.
"Uh, does that mean...you wanna go to the canal?"
Cook said.
Mae swallowed.
"Yeah." She nodded.

When they reached the canal they sat on the green beside it and watched the boats float by and go through the locks.
"It is quite peaceful isn't it?" Cook said.
"Mhmm hm." Mae agreed.
The sun was beating down onto their backs, getting hotter and hotter as they watched boats of different sizes and colours cruise by.
"It's fucking hot, wish we could jump in." Cook sighed, leaning onto Mae's shoulder.

Before they know it, they were walking to a lake. When they got there, Cook tore his clothes off and threw them on to the ground, leaving him in boxers. Mae watched. She'd never noticed how toned his chest was before. Cook canon balled into the lake. His head emerged from under the water. "Wheeey! Come on then!" Cook was called. Mae grinned widely. She pulled down her tiny skirt, revealing her tiny lace thong. Cook wondered where to put his eyes, but he couldn't help but think about what was under the tiny bit of material.

Mae stepped out of the skirt and folded it nicely before she pulled off her top revealing her matching bra. She was glad she hadn't wore her big ugly granny pants today, they were comfy, but she definitely didn't want anyone to see them.
Cook looked at Mae's body. Her boobs sat nicely in her bra which was almost see-through, her hips were round and her waist was small. Cook swallowed before she dipped her toe into the lake.
"It's too cold!" She moaned moving back. Cook moved close to the edge.
"Just jump in!" He laughed. 
Mae looked unsure so Cook grabbed her foot and yanked her into the lake. She yelped as her head went under and came back up again.
"It's freezing!" She wailed.
Cook pulled her closer to him in an attempt to warm her up.
"You still cold?" He asked.
"I'm warming up." She said.
They looked at each other. But this look felt different to them compared to the thousands of looks they've given each other before. Their faces were closer than ever. Cook thought how beautiful her face was this close up as he admired her rosy pink lips, her button nose and ivy green eyes with specs of gold in them. Freckles were dotted around her face which Cook wanted to connect to search for an answer as to why he'd never admired her this closely before.

Mae was looking at Cook's lips. Her heart beat faster and Cook's face edged closer to hers. She knew that once she kissed Cook, that was it, there was no turning back. She didn't know whether to move her face or let it happen, because one kiss is enough to start something that could flourish or end badly. But Mae didn't move her face.
Then he kissed her. Mae blossomed like a flower. She kissed back, wanting more. He put his hands behind her head and entangled his fingers into her hair. Their mouths moved in sync. Mae didn't know how to feel as they experimented with their tongues. What did it mean? What would happen after. Whereas Cook was thinking of the moment, of how much he was enjoying the feeling of her lips on his, a sober kiss that felt as good as the nearly black-out drunk ones in the middle of a club.  Eventually, their lips departed off of each other.

Water trickled around them as they blinked at each other. They both wondered whether that was a good idea.

"Who has the time to think whether anything is a good idea or not?" Cook thought to himself. He closed the space between them, gently pulling her forward and saying a million words with his soft kisses.

Keep Driving // James Cook x OCWhere stories live. Discover now