s e v e n t e e n

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(a/n there is deffo spelling errors, I have not re read this yet. I'm sorry
for my hiatus, I'm just
so busy. Here a new, chapter. I'm sure you'll all enjoy, tehe x)

Mae clambered into her bedroom, ignoring
the absence of her father in their flat. The cheque was on her bed, alongside with a handful of flowers with roots still attached and half a packet of polo mints. An apology from her dad. Naomi smiled, picking up the flowers and leaving the room. Mae glanced around. Her eyes eventually caught a photo of Cook and her on the dresser. She considered it for a moment, then placed it facing down.

Naomi returned with the flowers in one of her dad's empty corona bottles, filled with water. Mae smiled serenely and perched on her bed. Naomi spoke, as Mae sat there. She wasn't absorbing a word of Naomi's. She merely thought about how bad her life is.

"Mae?" Naomi said.
Mae sat up straight.
"Sorry." She smiled.
Naomi sighed and sat next to Mae, giving her a friendly squeeze. Mae looked at herself in the mirror, bandages on her head. She'd never hated how she looked before, but it had certainly occurred this time. Mae included her pink extensions and chucked them on the floor, pushing her brown hair onto her chest.

"Do you think he likes me because I could kind of look like Effy?" I speak.
Naomi sighs.
"No, I think he likes you because you understand him in a way others can't."
Mae considered this statement, yanking her hair.
She decided to ignore what Naomi said.
"I should dye it, like black or something." Mae remarks, yanking disgustedly at her hair.
"God no." Naomi cringed.
"Right. bad idea." Mae chuckled, causing Naomi to snort.

Mae's POV
It's sweet to know he likes me, but he has weird ways of showing it. He rang me at 2.30am, I was only awake because I was waiting for my
dad to get back. I considered ignoring the call, but I took it.

"Naomi said you were hurt." He blurted as I answered the phone.
"Hello to you too." I remarked.
He sighed.
"I owe you an apology, don't I?" He said, slight rasp in his voice. I shiver.
"Mhmm." I say.
"Open your front door." He whispers.
I put the phone down and get out of bed, putting on my dressing gown and matching downstairs.
I open the door and see him stood there. He's wearing a navy jumper and blue jeans, no coat.
"Gosh you must be cold, get in here." I say.
He stays frozen still.
"I'm so sorry Mae." He lets out.
I look at the floor.
"Your head." He says, looking at
the stitches. I'd suddenly regretting taking off my bandages.
I put my hand to my head.
"Still beautiful." He says lowly, a glint of adoration over his dimly lit face. I've never found him as attractive as I do now. I want to scoop him up and fill him with heartfelt words, but I freeze up shyly. He stands there.

Footsteps occur. "Alright kidda?" I hear my dad say. Cook turns to look at my dad and nods dryly.
My dad is standing in the doorway now.
He looks at me. "I've been at a friends house, I went after my AA meeting, I'm 2 days sober." He mutters, tail tucked between his legs.
I smile and give him a big hug. He pats my back and lets go gently, going upstairs and leaving me and Cook alone.

"Come in, it's cold." I say.
Cook steps in, shutting the door.
"You make me feel all fuzzy." He says, tucking hair behind my ear and searching through my eyes. I look up at him. I feel a rush of sorrow for him, but it's not as strong as the lust that is pumping through my body.
"You make me feel nervous." I say. Giggling and blushing into his chest as he embraces me.
"Upstairs?" He asks.
I shake my head.
"Naomi is up there."
"I'll come back in the morning." He says, reaching for the door.
"No, don't go, it's cold out there." I say, not wanting him to go.
"Miss me will you?" She smiles.
I nod.
He hugs me again, kissing the top of my
I squeeze him tight and take in his scent.
He feels like a diver wrapped round me, I fit in his arms perfectly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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