chapter 11 ↺

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it is early november when yeosang truly experiences one of the hardest months of his trainee life. the next monthly evaluation determines the top 15 trainees who may be included in VIBE Entertainment's newest boy group. to all 76 trainees, this sure is one big competition. for some, this is one out of the many chances they have to fulfill their dream; but for others, this is their last and only chance to prove themselves to the world.

it's like that for yeosang. this is his only chance to be seen, to be recognized by his parents who look down on this dream.

its been several months since his parents last talked to him on the phone. he does receive messages from them, but these are nothing but frequent reminders that this trainee life is nothing but a mere experience, and that he would soon return to his old life— give all his attention at school if he does not prove himself the months to come. at times like this, he thinks that it would be great to receive some sort of encouragement from his parents. he envied those trainees who conversed with their parents every other night, the mothers who listened to their day-to-day life, and those who frequently sent parcels to their children.

his parents surprisingly call him that day, but as he half expected, no words of encouragement are said. he walks back to the practice room carrying a pout on his face.

"they still haven't come through?" jun asks right as yeosang enters the door. yeosang just shakes his head. "i stopped expecting anyway. there's nothing i can do but work hard and prove myself to them." he says with a hint of defeat. the teacher arrives and jun pats his back and mouths they'll come through as he leaves to the other side of the room. and yeosang wishes he was right.

immediately after dance practice ended, yeosang finds wooyoung waiting for him by the door.

"how was dance class?"

"it was just like another typical day, i'm honestly getting bored. how did your vocal lessons go?"

"the new teacher is amazing, let me tell you that! she even agreed that my voice sounds just like jimin, i love her already." yeosang playfully rolls his eyes. wooyoung will never shut up about the fact that his voice is similar to his idol, when in fact, yeosang (and mostly everyone) thinks it isn't even too similar.

"so do you want to grab lunch together? i have about 40 minutes until my english class."

"sure, i don't have lunch plans with any-"

jun suddenly appears behind him, putting his arm over his shoulder. "what are you talking about, yeosang? did you forget we had our lunch date today?" yeosang looks at him with confusion. and wooyoung? if looks could kill, jun would have died on the spot. yeosang thinks about it for a while, but he doesn't remember making any plans with jun for lunch that day. "i don't think we made any lunch plans today, i-"

wooyoung cuts him off this time. "it looks like he doesn't remember making any plans with you today." wooyoung removes jun's arm off yeosang's shoulder, takes yeosang's hand, intertwines them, and drags him to the cafeteria. all yeosang could do was mouth talk to you later to jun as wooyoung continues to drag him away.

"gosh, what's with him?" wooyoung mutters to himself as they finally settle on their seats. VIBE's cafeteria is known for its lackluster menu, but on rare occasions, their food does taste edible, to say the least. wooyoung looks like he wants to say something but can't get those words out of his chest. "does- does jun like you?" he finally gets the courage to ask.

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