chapter 3.

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walking. he was still walking. yeosang did not know where he was going, but he did not want to go back to the dorm anytime soon. a part of him regretted walking out of the studio, but then he thought it was better than breaking down in front of everyone. in all honesty, he was afraid to face the members for the time being.

"gosh yeosang, why did you have to do that? i mean it's not like wooyoung belongs to you or anything. why are you even jealous? am i jealous? do you like him.. haha why would you like him? we're just friends and nothing more!" he muttered to himself. he was confused about his feelings for wooyoung. he did not know whether he liked him in that way or not. but what he does know is that wooyoung certainly does not like him like that.

thirty minutes passed by, then an hour, then three hours. he has been walking nonstop. passing by coffee shops, libraries, cute stores, you name it! he needed to take a break, and he knew exactly where to go. there was this park nearby their dorm, whenever he felt exhausted, angry or simply when he needed to cool down he always went to that park.

he sat on one of the benches by the lake. while admiring the beautiful city-view he was reminded of his members. they would always go here for recreation. they had fun together no matter the problems they faced. really, they were family and yeosang was grateful. suddenly, he heard someone call his name which made him snap out of this thoughts.


yeosang turned around and gasped, his heart started beating faster. "why is wooyoung here? this is bad this is bad what do i do???"  he was mentally preparing himself to face wooyoung.

"wooyoung! wh-what are you doing here?"

"shouldnt i be asking you that question? why did you just run out of the studio? is everything ok? what are you doing all alone here at night? heck, did you even eat?"

"i.... just needed some air. the new choreography is tricky so... haha.. um you dont have to be worri-"

"BUT I AM WORRIED!" wooyoung shouted which made yeosang jump. there was a moment of silence, an awkward type of silence.

wooyoung then pulled yeosang into a hug. right then and there, yeosang wanted to cry. he was close to breaking down and telling wooyoung how he really felt. but he wanted to remain strong, he wanted to hold it in. yeosang wrapped his arms around his waist.

wooyoung tightened the hug and snuggled his face into yeosang's neck.


"lets stay like this for a little bit more, please?"

a/n: the next chapter will just be in wooyoung's perspective. AND YEOSANGS CONCEPT PIC IN LIKE 30 MINUTES IM GONNA LOSE IT

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