chapter 5.

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after making amends in the park they started walking back to the dorms, though they did not want to yet. the walk was quiet, but it wasn't awkward. they both found comfort in each other's presence.

"so we're like.. ok now right?"  wooyoung suddenly asked.

"what do you mean? we never fought in the first place anyways, everything was fine from the very start"

"yea but-"

"shut up shortie lets just keep walking" yeosang said as he started walking faster/ overtaking wooyoung.

"and your'e back to your old self" wooyoung smiles. he wanted to ask yeosang what really happened, but right now wasn't the right time. he was scared if he did one wrong move he would completely lose him so he decided to ask him some other time, when yeosang was ready to talk about it.

"hey, why won't we eat something before we get back to the dorms?" wooyoung proposed.

"aren't you tired? you literally looked like you were ran over by cows when you found me at the park"


it took them long enough before figuring out what to eat, and can you guess where they went to? a convenient store. a place they go to almost everyday. like dogs who hasn't eaten for days, they started filling up the basket with a bunch of snacks and within seconds it was full. when they went up to the counter, san and seonghwa entered the store as well.


yeosang was overwhelmed by his presence. he was not mad they were there, he just thought he finally had some time with wooyoung ALONE but now he would have to feel left out again. he thanked god seonghwa was there too. he was just as close as yeosang was with wooyoung. they were roommates, they were comfortable with each other and had common interests. he often told his problems to him because he was great at giving advices, but he did not tell him about how he felt with wooyoung. maybe today was the perfect day though.

"wooyoungie i saw cute ducks at the park while we passed by, we should go feed them! seonghwa hyung and yeosang should join us too" says san.

"oh hell no, i aint going to that freaking park again"  yeosang thought, and he most importantly did not want to feel like a third wheel.

"its ok, i feel tired so i think ill be heading back to the dorms now. you can have fun with wooyoung and seonghwa instead, lets just go there some other time together."

seonghwa noticed the feeling of sadness as he said that. he did not know what was going on, but he wanted to cheer up yeosang as much as possible.

"im tired too so im going back to the dorms with yeosang. you two have fun, and please for the love of god don't do anything stupid."

yeosang looks at seonghwa and smiles. "he really is an angel"  he thought.

once again, they were separated. both pairs going opposite directions. yeosang sighed as he watched wooyoung and san in the distance as they walked further away from them. they seemed happy. sometimes yeosang wished he wasn't the quiet and shy person he is so they would notice him more.

"you like wooyoung, dont you?" seonghwa asked out of the blue. yeosang's heart started beating rapidly.

"what makes you think that? i absolutely HATE him!" he tried his best to hide the truth, he really did, but then tears started to fall down his eyes. the feelings he has been bottling inside of him, the pain, the anger, the confusion was broken down in front of seonghwa.

"hyung, what do i do?"

wasnt really proofread, im sorry. tomorrow is the start of school so ill be busy but ill try and update once a week, twice if possible. pls bare with me thank you!!
also congrats to ateez for winning next gen award:)

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