chapter 2.

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its been fifteen minutes since wooyoung and san left the studio together to eat some food. yeosang could not help but wonder what they were up to.

seonghwa noticed how lost in thought yeosang was and walked up to him. "yeosang, anything wrong?" he said as he sat beside him.

"yes, everything is wrong" was what yeosang wanted to say. he wanted to tell someone how he felt, but he did not think he was ready to do so. "im doing gr-great hyung, just tired! the choreography was definitely challenging right?" was what he replied with instead.

seonghwa did not fall for this, though. he could tell yeosang was lying. "are you sure? you seemed lost in thought a while ago." as yeosang was about to respond, wooyoung and san barged in the door.

"thank you hyung for your concern, but i am really fine, dont worry. now if you will excuse me, i need to use the restroom."

yeosang was not in the mood to see wooyoung with san, so he wanted to avoid them as much as possible for the day at least. yeosang hurriedly ran to the door to avoid making contact with them. but boy he failed.

"YEO! look what i got you!" wooyoung said as he caught up with him. "i saw this in the convenience store and got reminded of you. remember when we would eat this all the time when we were still training in bighit?" yeosang smiled, he was glad wooyoung still remembered those moments with him.

"im surprised you still remember that, thank you woo."

"of course, we been bestfriends for 5 years how could i forget? also... do you want to like hangout on wed-"

their conversation was cut short when san interrupted them. "WOOYOUNGGG why did you leave me? and hi yeosang! HOME RUN BALL? YOU LIKE THAT TOO? CAN I HAVE SOME PLEASE? I LOVE THAT SNACK ITS ONE OF MY FAVORITES!"

at that moment, wooyoung wanted to kill san for interrupting their conversation, but he decided to keep it cool. "i was just giving these to yeosang did you miss me that much? and dont worry i also bought you some of those just get it in my bag"

"oh.. he bought some for san too? im not special after all. how stupid am i to forget that i am always the second choice." his palms were sweating, eyes tearing up. he wanted to run away. he wanted to disappear.

and so he did. he turned around, ignoring those who called him, and walked out of the door.

a/n: enjoy double update:)

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