chapter 6.

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seonghwa was in no way going to let yeosang cry in the middle of the street. the dorm was still about fifteen minutes away and he was crying extremely hard right now, so his only option was that they would stay overnight at a nearby motel. he saw how stressed the younger was and he didn't want him to have a harder time so he figured it would be best for him to not see wooyoung tonight.

as they entered the room, he cried even harder. seonghwa tried his best to calm him down, but yeosang just pushed him away. he wanted to be alone for the time being, and seonghwa completely understood. waiting was not a problem for him. he was patient and was willing to give yeosang the time he needed without any pressure. so he waited till yeosang was ready to talk to him.

"did you and wooyoung have a fight?" he asked calmly.

"no, im just the problem." was all yeosang replied. he sighed and laid his head on seonghwa's shoulders.

" wooyoung" he suddenly confessed. "but to him, i know im just his bestfriend for five years." saying those words and knowing they were true hurt him.

"and how do you know how he feels? that guy is definitely whipped for you!"

"yea right..isn't he like that with everyone? especially with san! isn't it obvious that he likes san and not me."

"someones jealousssss" seonghwa says in a jokingly manner.



"shut up"

they both burst into laughter. yeosang was suddenly feeling much better, all thanks to seonghwa. seonghwa was happy he was back to his savage, happy self.

for the rest of the night they ignored the text messages and calls from their members. they watched movies and had deep conversations. they were going to have a long, fun night together.

yeosang put aside what happened with wooyoung and forgot about his problems.

that was until someone knocked on the door.

a/n: exams are next week so sorry for the short chapter!!🥺 also thank you guys so much for 500 reads, i never thought anyone would read this haha!! i love you and ill try my best to improve to make this book more enjoyable for you all<33

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