chapter 7.

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the angst is coming?

yeosang and seonghwa both flinched as they suddenly heard knocking on the door. it was 1am in the morning, what could anyone possibly want at that time? they stared at the door for a few seconds then looked at each other.

"hyung, what do we do?" yeosang whispered. seonghwa was panicking on the inside but of course, he had to show yeosang he was calm. as he was about to speak the banging on the door started growing louder, and they had no choice but to see who was outside the door.

when they opened the door, they were surprised to see six people camping outside.

"hongjoong what the fuck are you all doing here? seonghwa muttered. he did not expect to see them at all.

"you were ignoring our calls and texts you snobs... anyways mind if we join the slumber party?" hongjoong says as he clinged onto seonghwa's arms.

"the room is too small for all of us." he said nervously. he couldn't think of any more excuses. yeosang quickly nodded. just hours ago did he forget all about what happened that day and now he would have to face the person who started it all.

"we'll make it work! now everyone lets go inside its freezing!" seonghwa gave a quick glance at yeosang before letting the boys enter the room. yeosang was mentally not cursing himself on the inside. did he have to face wooyoung today? he gave seonghwa a "what the fuck am i going to do" look and seonghwa just squeezed his hand assuring him everything will be alright.

was he correct? nope.

as yeosang was heading inside with the others, wooyoung grabbed him and took him outside.

"ouch woo what the fuck thats hurt." he said as he let go of his arm.

"i thought you were going home after we went to the convenient store? but you went here with seonghwa hyung?" he said with a hint of jealousy.

"why do you care?" yeosang snapped back. "whats with the confidence kang yeosang why did you say that??" he regretted saying that immediately. wooyoung was more shocked to hear that from him. yeosang was always kind, and never snapped back before. this made him even more mad.

"thats right, why would i care? you like seonghwa hyung more than me."

"when did i even fucking say that? we're still bestfri-"

"are you sure? because you're not acting like one!" wooyoung shouted back. yeosang was taken aback. he did not expect to see him this angry. he hated it when people shouted at him, and it was natural for him to cry in those situations not because he was a wuss or because he was sensitive, but because he was scared. he hated seeing the bad side of others, and today was his lucky day to see wooyoung

"are you going to cry again? fuck it im leaving."

"woo, wait! where are you going?" he said as wooyoung was walking back. he stopped in his tracks and turned around.

"to san." was all he said and continued walking.

"are you kidding me.." yeosang accidentally said out loud.

"what is your problem? what is wrong with san? do you hate us that much?" wooyoung went back and walked up to him.

"who said i hated you guys?"

"THEN WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS? YOU KNOW WHAT IM LEAVING AND DON'T THINK OF FOLLOWING ME BACK." and with no hesitation he walked back to the motel.

"to san..." yeosang chuckled lightly. "of course its san" tears started flowing down his cheeks. he knew he was fucked. his day was already bad, then he was finally finding comfort till he showed up AGAIN and now it was 1am in the morning, he was in the middle of the street, about to break down and he couldn't go back to the room because well... he did not want to deal with wooyoung anymore. he forgot his phone so he could not call anyone. god he hated himself even more. what was he going to do at 1am in the dark, homeless? he sat down on one of the benches in the sidewalk and began to think. but all he could think of was his now broken friendship with wooyoung.

a/n: this is getting quite... angsty. but i promise you the upcoming chapters are going to be soft uwuu. also do you prefer long or short chapters? like preferably 1k words on each chapter? let me know!! also tysm for 700+ reads i appreciate it 🤍🤍

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