chapter 8.

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"fuck fuck fuck, why did i do that!"

shame, regret, guilt.
wooyoung was on his way back to the room when he immediately regretted his life decisions. how could he just shout at yeosang like that? he probably hated him now. how was he going to explain to the rest of his members what had happened? for sure, they would question where yeosang was, and he couldn't just lie to them, or maybe he could.
he had three options in mind—
the first option was that he would go back, find yeosang, and apologize. however, he was too ashamed to even face him after their argument and decided to go with the second option.
the second option was that he would go back to the room, explain what happened to the other members, and seek advice from them. "wouldn't they hate me though?" he thought to himself. yet again, he was too ashamed to face the members and tell them what happened between him and yeosang that night. not only ashamed but, scared. scared that they would think of him as a scoundrel. afraid that they would even kick him out of the team. and with two options down, his final conclusion was to lie to them, and so he did.

he stood in front of the door for awhile before having the courage to open it.

"fuck it"

"wooyoung you're back! wheres yeosang?"

"he decided to stop by the convenience store, he's craving tteokbokki you see. he also told me he would be coming back a bit late tonight, but don't worry he will be fine." wooyoung was terrible at making lies, was it weak, or was it strong enough to convince them? or did he go overboard by saying that yeosang supposedly told him he would be coming back late tonight when he was not even sure he would return?

the members exchanged looks with each other, then with wooyoung. wooyoung was beginning to sweat at this point, did they know something? was his lie that bad? or was he just bad at lying?

"woo, why are you so tense?" yunho broke the silence.

"im just tired from... running with yeosang."

"why would you be running?"

"there was a... bear? in the game! the game... the game with the bear.."

the members burst into laughter, and wooyoung was glad that yeosang was out of the topic. the night carried on and they just talked, watched movies and played board games. wooyoung did all he could to keep him distracted. he wanted to forget about yeosang right now. he felt so betrayed, but at the same time he regretted it. he regretted saying those words to him because he knew how yeosang hated hearing those words from others. he knew how much he hurt him, and he hated himself for it. san noticed how low-spirited wooyoung looked, so he embraced him in a hug.

"are you okay wooyoung? you seem out of it."

"me? dont worry sannie im fine, im just tired."

then it came back to him again, what happened hours ago with yeosang. and most importantly the reason for their fight: san. and san's embrace? his comfort? was all he needed right now. he was a mess inside, breaking. it's not like he can just give up one bestfriend and drop the other. both were so dear to him: yeosang was the reason he auditioned in KQ, he was the reason he is in ateez today. and san, he was the first person to bring out his confidence and was always so supportive. with these thoughts in his head, thinking of problems and also solutions, he  soon fell asleep.

it was 3am and seonghwa was worried sick. yeosang has still yet to come back and he was genuinely concerned. he put on his jacket and quietly opened the door and went outside. wooyoung woke up from the sound of the door opening, and he was able to see seonghwa going outside. he knew where he was headed and contemplated on whether he should go with him or not. he thought about it and decided that this would be the perfect time to find yeosang and apologize to him. he got up, quickly put on his shoes, and went outside.

"seonghwa hyung wait up! you have to help me!"

"wooyoung? what are you doing here? it's 3am you should go back to the room and sleep. and for fuck's sake, i don't think you should be looking for h-"

"i know, i messed up, so can you please just help me this once? i fucked up, and that is why i want to apologize to him and make things right. so if you could please give me the chance to go look for him alone, i would appreciate it hyung."

seonghwa was enraged inside. he knew how much wooyoung meant to yeosang, and how he was also hurting because of him. he didn't trust wooyoung, heck he wanted so badly to shout at him at that very moment. he did not want yeosang to get hurt again, but he also wanted them to make peace and be friends again. that is why he decided to let wooyoung find him on his own.

"fine, go look for him yourself. but don't think about coming back without him by your side or else, youre dead meat.

as seonghwa headed back to the room, wooyoung wasted no time in finding him. he searched every street, every alleyway, but he still couldn't find him. he started panicking and blamed himself even more for arguing with him in the first place.

while searching in a nearby park, he found a familiar face. but.. why is that familiar face covered with bruises all over?

"yeosang... is that you?"

a/n: hello hello happy new year everyone! i am thankful to everyone who has read and supported this story, and i apologize for the long wait. from now on, i'll try my best to update at least once a week. im also planning on rewriting this story to make it better, i may do that once i am finished with the story though. i haven't proofread this yet so please do not mind some grammatical errors. hope youre all safe and healthy <3
-till the next chapter xx

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