Dokkaebi: Regret (Male Reader)

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She didn't know. She shouldn't know. But secrets always come out, and this is inevitable. 

"L/N, report," your boss ordered. "Planting the bomb," you replied coldly, "for how many minutes I should set the timer?"

"It needs to be detonated in a week, at 11.00 am. Oh, and have anybody suspected about your activity?" he asked. 

"No, sir."

"Good, 'cause if anybody would find out what were you doing, you're dead," he said, "Captain out."

You opened the detonator, being ready to set the timer. But suddenly you felt remorse in your soul. There was only one last button to press on. A tear slid down your cheek as you remembered her. Grace Nam.

You looked at the detonator again, your finger on a distance of a millimeter from the button. 

"Next week, 11.00 am..." you finally muttered before pressing at it and closing the detonator box. You hid the device under a concrete stand in the cafeteria. Then you returned back to your shared dorm, where Grace, or Dokkaebi, was sleeping at the moment. 

As you entered, you looked at your bed and then at Grace's. "For fuck sake, who am I lying to?"  you thought before laying next to her, wrapping an arm around her. Grace hummed quietly and snuggled up into you as you pulled her closer, placing a kiss on her forehead and drifting to sleep.

A week had passed. You, Grace, Chul, Zofia, and Ela were sitting in the cafeteria, peacefully eating breakfast. "Hey, Y/N?" Grace looked at you. Her eyes had always looked like she was hiding something. And you loved it. 

"What is it, Dokk?" you replied as you took a sip from your morning coffee. "Wanna take a walk at the park today? The weather seems to be good today." You looked at her, nodding approvingly. 

"Sure, why not?" you simply replied. "Guys, I would need to go to the armory, gotta train my aim," Ela said before standing up and moving towards the exit door, waving goodbyes.

You looked at the stand. The same stand that the bomb you had planted was under. You looked at your watch - 10.59 am.

You gasped deeply, closing your eyes. Grace noticed something bad as she grabbed your wrist. "Hey, you alright?" she mumbled softly. "Yeah, I'm fine," you said before you heard the beeping sound of the detonator. The bomb had worked. 

You saw an earsplitting blast before everything just flew out. You and Grace have fallen on the floor as your vision blacked out.

You opened your eyes in a copter with your boss sitting next to you, holding a gun. Tied Grace with a mouth closed by an insulating tape was sitting right in front of you. "Well, well, well," the man said, "our best agent had woken up."

You looked at Grace, her eyes were super red. Seems like she had been crying for hours. This picture caused horror in your heart. You looked at her as a couple of tears moved down your cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, Grace... I'm so sorry..." you replied before the boss interrupted. 

"Your girlfriend, huh?" he smirked madly. "W-Why? Why did you do this, Y/N?" she cried as she eyed you. The boss gave you a gun and aimed your hand on her head. "Prove me that you're a real White Mask. Kill her," he ordered.

You couldn't pull the trigger. You just couldn't. You looked at her as your sights were on her forehead. In just four seconds you remembered all of the good moments you've shared with Grace: your first meeting, date, first kiss, her touches, her beautiful eyes...

"YOU SHOOT HER OR YOU BOTH DIE!" the boss shouted as he pulled out his gun. You looked at him with eyes filled with anger and pain. "No," you replied. "What do you allow yourself, you asshole?!" he looked at you, "ah, you know what--"

You hit him with your gun, shooting into his face. Your boss was now dead. His lifeless body fell from the copter and flew to the ground. You aimed at the pilots. "LAND," you ordered as Grace looked at you with misunderstanding in her eyes. 

"Y/N, what did you--" she asked with a trembling voice before the main rotor of the copter was shot down and the machine started losing its height.

"Grace, watch out!" you screamed as you pulled her closer to you. Your vision had blacked again...

You woke up with crying Grace in your arms. You looked at her and saw a metal pin in her stomach. "Fuck, Grace! No, no, no..." you cried as you looked around the destroyed copter. 

"Grace, hold on..." You saw a first aid kit near the door. You quickly grabbed it, finding a couple of bandages in there. "It's gonna hurt, baby..." you said as you plucked out the pin, covering her wound with the bandages. 

Grace cupped your face with her palm as her red eyes faced yours. "Why?" she cried as you pulled her head closer, resting it on your chest. "I'm sorry..." you replied, "I'm so sorry, Grace..." 


A/N: Requested by 

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