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As often, Greg and John were out at the pub, sharing a beer and rambling about working with the great Sherlock Holmes. They were sitting at a table on the corner of the main room, next to the fireplace. A few tables to the left, two muddy-paws dogs were playing with a bone, barking playfully at everyone that tried to take it away. A random rugby game was on the telly over the bar and a few men were watching it, cheering at their home team.

"Ugh" sighed Greg, "I dont know how you're living with Sherlock." John shot him a puzzled look. The DI took a sip of his drink before continuing: "He, in himself, is already annoyingly smart and not easy to deal with, but his brother is worse." "Wait, you know Mycroft? How?" asked John. He was surprised that the subject never came out during all the evenings they spent at the pub.

"Of course I know him! That brat kidnapped me for the fifth time last week!" "Kidnapped you? John was now laughing. He remembered the time he first met the man. He has been kidnapped himself. Mycroft wanted him to spy on Sherlock. He refused.

"Yeah, and apparently he hasnt learned from his mistakes: he still continues to sent his men in the middle of the night. They blindfold me and take me from my own bed! I hate that! Especially because it's always for stupid reasons: 'keep an eye on sherlock' 'work on that case' 'I want a drug burst at my brother's' 'wanted to see you bare chest again'... the DI blushed to a nice shade of carmine when the last sentence slipped from his lips.

"He wanted to see you... bare chest... again?!", John repeated, dumbfounded. His mind couldn't figure out how it would happen once, particularly with Mycroft Holmes, so twice...

"Yup" sighed Greg, "first time he kidnapped me, I wasnt ready at all. I was sleeping just in my boxers. It was an awkward moment he added with a smirk. Now I'm always ready: I bought a pyjama. A decent one. But it would be better if he'd stop kidnapping me. For god's sake! He could just text me, or call me, or even send me a letter by pigeon if he really wants to!

John waved a hand to the waiter and mouthed "two more". He then settled back in his chair and crossed his arms. "Greg, I think youre denser than Sherlock himself." He grabbed his new pint and thanked the waiter. The DI raised an eyebrow at him. "Because...?" "Because, you total git, Mycroft Holmes is in love with you! Aaaaand, you are too! You should go and ask him out! What are you waiting for?"

The DI rubbed his hand over his face. "Yeah, I suppose I should So," he added while standing up "I think I gotta go" He put some money on the table and patted John's shoulder: "Thanks mate!"

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