Birthday party

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So! Here we go with angst. Sorry :/

I'll have to put a trigger warning on that one and on the next one too. This is the first part of a three-part-story. It was too long, so I cut it. The second part is the longest. I hope you'll enjoy it some way. Good luck to you and we'll see who will get through this and make it alive, ha ha ha (villain's laugh)


"Hey Sherlock!" said John when I came back home today. I had spent all my day at the morgue, avoiding everyone since 4am this morning, but I eventually had to go back home.

"Hey, John" I answered reluctantly. I hanged my coat on the coat rack, along with my scarf and gloves, stuffed in my right pocket.

"How was your day?" John was waddling a bit, looking self-conscious. I nodded at him: "Good." I was on my way to my room when I heard his voice behind me again. "Sherlock please, stay a bit. I haven't got to see you of all day. Come on, it's your birthday. Don't you want to sit in the living room and have a nice cup of tea? We could watch the Lord of the Rings if you want." He came closer.

The hope in my friend's eyes was unbearable. He genuinely thought I was going to stay with him and have a nice chat. I scoffed and tried to push my way toward my bedroom. "Thanks John, but I don't want to have a cup of tea, nor to watch a movie." "But it's your birthday-" "FUCK MY BIRTHDAY!!!" I snapped. "I HATE BIRTHDAYS AND I DON'T WANT TO HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THEM! NOW LET ME ALONE!"

I pushed my flatmate to the side and he hit the wall. I couldn't help but shiver at the horrendous sound of John's head crashing against the hard surface. I ran to my room and slammed the door, sliding against it.

My breath was short and I felt like I couldnt inhale enough air. The fact I was sobbing did not help me. I had to calm down because I was choking, but my mind palace was locked out. The world spined around me and I fell on the floor. My mind went blank and I fought for air before slowly passing out. Just before I left the world of consciousness, I heard John's voice from a distant location: "Sherlock! Sherlock, stay with me, stay with me, Sherlock! Breath, please, for me Sherlock."

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