Birthday party - part 3

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Hey! Here's the last part of that story. I'm so sorry for all the angst, but this one's only fluff. It could be compared to marshmallows :)


This time, when I came back to myself, I was lying down on the couch. John was at my side, an over-concerned look on his face.

"Sherlock, what happened?"

I shivered. I couldn't realise my flatmate, my best -and only- friend, saw me like this. I turned my back on him, and hid my head under my arm.

"Sherlock, please, talk to me." John was pleading now. I must have looked miserable. I was so ashamed. "John, let me alone please." But he didn't. Instead, he leaned next to me on the couch, snuggling gently on my side. He nuzzled his nose in the crook of my neck.

I was expecting him to try and make me talk to him, but he just leaned close without a word, until I felt good enough to tell him. He deserved it. He was just trying to help and to be kind. As if he read my mind, John murmured in my ear: "I was just trying to make you happy. I'm sorry. If you want, I can give the cake to Mrs Hudson and never speak of this again. I'm so sorry, if you knew"

I sighed of contentment. "Don't be. It's not your fault if I'm messed up and it's not your fault either if I end up crying like a weak and pathetic slob."

"Sherlock!" my friend sounded outraged. "You are certainly not a slob, nor weak or pathetic. You are the most amazing man I've ever met and you just had a panic attack. That is nowhere near weak, Sherlock. This is fighting a traumatism and this, is being strong. You are so strong Sherlock, never forget that."

I felt a gentle warmth spreading in all my body and I closed my eyes, the last remains of fear and panic quickly fading away as I drifted to sleep in the arms of the man that meant so much to me.

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