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When Molly approches the door of the morgue this morning, she was welcomed by a very odd sound. It was like... music? But who would listen to music while cutting open dead people?

Especially that kind of music... it was some energical rock blasting through a phone's speaker. She walked a bit closer, and as she did so, the sound became more precise : it was Ex's and Oh's by Elle King that was playing.

She crept her way to the door and tip-toed to see through the glass panel that was normally just out of her reach. In the room, hunched above a corpse was Sherlock, his long coat moving along his movements of head, in synch with the music.

She peeked her head through the door as the song ended. The first chords of The Unforgiven by Metallica resounded in the air and Sherlock clicked his tongue in disapproval before taking his phone out of his pocket and switching the music until he found something satisfying.

Molly made a face when J'ai demandé à la lune by Indochine, à French group, began. How in Hell that guy knew about that group?
She decided it was time to enter completely the room, not just hang around half hidden behind the door.
"Hum, hi Sherlock" she said as she passed the doorstep, "I've got your thumbs if you want! I mean, not your thumbs your thumbs,  but... oh, you known what I mean! I've put them on the table in lab 21."

"Hm hm..." was the only answer she received. Poor Molly stayed frozen in the middle of the room for a few seconds before shrugging and going back to work on the othe table of the room.

From time to time, she looked behind her shoulder to see what Sherlock was doing. He apparently was studying the differences between the eye of a corpse two hours versus two days after his death.

The song was coming to an end, and Molly heard something that sounded like a nice baritone voice that underlined the one in the original song. It was weird, but not unpleasant. But before she could decide if it was a nice cover or Sherlock singing, the song ended and the mythic guitar riff of T.N.T from AC/DC filled the air.

They continued to work like this for about an hour before Sherlock cleaned his things up. When he passed in front of the table with the bucket of thumbs, he stopped and walked back. He looked at the thumbs in interrogation and took a glance around the lab. "Oh, Molly. You're there. Hum... Great. See you." Sherlock ran his hand in his hair and ruffled it, looking like a child caught red-handed in the Nutella pot. He trampled a bit more and finally exited the lab in a huff of his coat, letting the double door slam behind him.


Later this day, when Molly crossed path with Sherlock in the corridors of St-Barts, he was humming the melody of the French group's tune. And when she went past him, a nice baritone voice brought life to the song.

J'ai demandé à la lune, et le soleil ne le sais pas.

Je lui ai montré mes brûlures et la lune s'est moquée de moi.

Et comme le ciel n'avait pas fière allure et que je ne guérissais pas; je me suis dis "quelle infortune" et la lune s'est moquée de moi.

Molly stopped into the hall and turned to see the tall man walking away in his long coat. She smiled and let out a puff of laugh. Sherlock will be Sherlock. And it was so cute it was almost painful.


Hey, just wanted to say thanks for the 100 reads! It made my day (I saw it between two hours of economy and two hours of art, it saved me!)

Plus, I wanted to put a link to the main music, but it won't work. So I'll maybe try to make it work in a day or two

Update : It still dosen't work so if anyone knows how to do it, i'd be grateful :)

Plus! I realised that I hadn't translated the lyrics so here it is:

I asked the moon, and the sun didn't know.

I showed her my burns scars and the moon laughed at me.

And since the sky didn't look very good and i wasn't healing, I thought to myself "what misfortune" and the moon laughed at me.

yes, the way it is written dosen't mean a lot -even if french- but i really like this song and even if i don't understand why, it gives me johnlock vibes :)

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