French #1

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"John, est-ce que tout vas bien?"

I look up to Sherlock who stare smugly at my blushing cheeks. I haven't understood a word of what he said, but just the sound of his voice is enough to make me loose the control of my brain. He's still sitting in his chair, his head cocked on the side, the same smug look on his face that will stay here all day. He's waiting for an answer. I sigh.

"Sherlock, I know you like making me blush, but I already told you that I can't understand you when you're speaking French."

"Je sais. Je m'en fiche"

"Stop talking!" I put my head in my hands and I try to ignore him, but he keeps rambling.

"John, si tu as faim, on peut sortir pour aller manger; ça te vas chez Angelo?"

He shake my shoulder and I snap my head up. He's putting on his coat and waves his hand toward mine. "Allez, met ton manteau, qu'est-ce que t'attends?"

I give up. I stand up and join him. I won't fight to try and fail to understand a language that I know I can't speak. I don't even know why he's still speaking French, because I'm not blushing anymore. But if he decided he'd continue to, I'll just enjoy listening to him.

As we are walking down the street, he is babbling about something I doubt I would understand, even if it'd be in English, because I recognised the words 'caramel' and 'reaction', so it must be something about exploding my bloody kitchen using an insane amount of caramel and some chemistery...

"John, est-ce que tu savais que la caramélisation est une réaction chimique qui correspond au brunissement du saccharose? Elle résulte initialement dune déshydratation intramoléculaire du saccharose, avec formation de dianhydrides de fructose, puis de la liaison de ces composés avec des résidus de glucose. En même temps, divers composés éventuellement odorant se forment, tel l'hydroxyméthylfurfural! Tout ça juste pour du caramel! C'est absolument passionant, n'est-ce pas?"

When we arrive to Angelo's, I am the one who has to choose for Sherlock, because that git is still rambling in French and nor Angelo nor me can understand him. As usual I eat and he speaks and we are soon out of the restaurant. We go back home and we sit together on the sofa. I let his voice slowly lull me to sleep. Just before I give up into a peaceful sleep, I hear him tell a last sentence in French, that I actually recognise this time : "Je t'aime John. Fais de beaux rêves."


1) John, is everything good?

2) I know. I don't care.

3) John, if you're hungry we can go out to eat; Is Angelo ok?

4) Come on, put your coat on, what are you waiting for?"

5) "John, did you know that caramelization is a chemical reaction that corresponds to the browning of sucrose? It initially results from intramolecular dehydration of sucrose, with the formation of fructose dianhydrides, and then from the binding of these compounds with Glucose residues. At the same time, various possibly odorous compounds are formed, such as hydroxymethylfurfural! All this just for caramel! It's absolutely fascinating, isn't it? "

6) I love you John. Sweet dreams.

I chose that one to be the next because I feel related to John for this one. I had an american exchange who came home for four months and everytime he tried to speak French with his adorable accent I felt my heart melting and I had to concentrate to stay focused on what he was trying to say!

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