The calm jar

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Sherlock has a calm jar. Whenever his mind drives him crazy, he makes sure he's alone, locks the door, closes the curtains and pulls a chair next to the bookcase. He climbs on top of it and reaches the farthest corner up, where he hides the jar. Sherlock then spends hours watching the blue glitters swirling around, creating all sorts of tiny storms inside the glass jar. For whatever reason, that has a soothing effect on him.

One day, after a particularly though case, Sherlock and John came back home and sat down on their own armchair. Whereas John was fast dozing, his head twitching slowly back and forth, Sherlocks mind wouldn't stop replaying the row he had with John on the crime scene earlier. Something about being rude to the victims. Sherlock hated hurting John, but he couldnt stop himself : when he realised what he did it was already too late. He didn't know how to cope with emotions and all of this was overloading his brain. When he felt like he could tear his own throat open just to make it stop, he carefully checked to see if John was sufficiently asleep to take his jar out of his hiding place.

After almost one and a half hour, John stirred back awake to the picture of Sherlock sitting in his armchair in front of him, seemingly fascinated by a jar he was holding in his hands at eyes height. He was watching some blue sparkles swirling around and his face was totally relaxed. It was a long time since John saw him happy like this. He liked it so much. He chuckled lightly. Sherlock's eyes shot up and met John's. He blushed and tried to hide the jar away, but John just smiled and stood up. He approched the detective's seat and gestured to make him move a bit. Sherlock did and the soldier sat down half on his lap, half on the seat and they cuddled together for a bit, before Sherlock took the jar back and shaked it. They watched the glitters swirl around, curled up one against the other.

Since that moment, each time Sherlock wants some cuddle, he just take out the jar and sit in his chair. John would eventually come around and sit on sherlock's lap. They often end up sleeping cuddled toegether until one of them wakes up and carries the other to his room. This finally ended up being way more soothing than the calm jar.

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