The rubix cube

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Click. Click.

Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click!


I plunge to the right to avoid the flying rubix cube that passed right next to my head. "Sherlock! You can't do that! You almost hurt me!"

The detective huffed from the couch, where he was pouting. "I hate this."

"That is not a bloody reason to throw it across the room!"

I sit back in my chair and decide to ignore the stupid brat. One week ago, we recieved a little package in the mail. After opening it carefully - we didn't want to play the case of the mystery box all over again - it happened to be a simple rubix cube with a note : "who will be killed first? the cube or the detective?" At the time, it seemed a pretty stupid and cheesy note, but right now, I realise how accurate this was. In effect,, it seemed that the great Sherlock Holmes had no clue about how to solve a rubix cube.

He spent all his time clicking it in every possible way, obsessed by it. He stayed up at night, skipped the meals - even if this is quite a habit to him- he even refused a case from Lestrade. It was driving me crazy. There was that clicking noise every minute of the day that usually go with frustrated gruntings from my friend. I already seriously considered to throw him through the window three times in the last two days.

Six hours later, I am woken up by that insufferable clicking noise, coming from downstairs. I sigh and go down the stairs. There I find my flatmate sitting in his chair, clicking his rubix cube. I alomst run towards him and snatch it from his hands. I make it all of the correct colors and shake it under the nose of my friend. "There! It's done, okay? So stop it and go to sleep now!" I throw the rubix cube through the open window. Shouting comes from the street. Someone must have been hit by this Hell's projectile, but honestly, I don't care. I just want to go to sleep and never see that damn thing again.

Sherlock looks up sheepishly. "I'll go. But you're mean." He looks like a sad kid right now. Sherlock sigh and shuffles towards his room. I feel my heart break, but right now, I'm too tired to think straight, so I just go to bed and enjoy a good, silent night of sleep.

2 months later:

Today is Sherlock's birthday. I creep into his room early in the morning and shake his shoulder. I know I should let him sleep, but I can't wait to give him his present.

"Sherlock, wake up, I have something for you."

"John, I wanna sleep" the sleepy voice of the detective is muffled by the blanket that covers his head.

"Oh come on Sherlock, I'm sure you're gonna love it!"

"But Jaaaaaaaawn."

"Please Sherlock."

My flatmate grunts and eventually emerges from under the covers. I offer him the gift and he takes it impatiently. He tears the paper open like a child and the pure glee that fills his gaze when he holds his new rubix cube to eye's height is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

"Thank you John, I really love it."

"I'm going to make some coffee and toast. Wanna join me?"

The detective nod, already absorbed with the cube. I shake my head and sigh. He's not gonna change. I don't even have the time to get out of the room when I hear it.


Click. Click.

Click. Click. Click. Click. Click.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I begin to doubt if that was really a bright idea.

Two hours later, I send him the link to a tutoriel on YouTube.

Next day I throw that bloody rubix cube in the trash.

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