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"Lestrade, a call for you." said Donovan, holding out the police phone.  

"What is it?" asked the DI. It was his lunch break and he had his feet on the table, a donut in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other.

"A man is complaining about some weirdo running half-naked outside" Lestrade munched on his donut and said "Not my division." " Baker Street." Greg rolled his eyes and sighed: "Ok, I'll go take care of this."

"Freak's gonna have you life one of these days" said Donovan while taking the call back and going out of the room.

The detective put on his coat, ate his donut in one bite and chucked the rest of his coffee down his stomach. It was a nice day out and it wasn't so important, so he decided to walk to Baker Street. Half an hour later, he was standing on the front door of the 221b Baker Street. He rang the bell and waited a few minutes, until Mrs. Hudson opened the door.

"Ouh hou! How are you, detective? I'm afraid Sherlock and John are out for now. They had a row and he fled; but anyway, they should come back soon, you can wait for them here if you want. I have biscuits and some tea."

Greg thanked her and entered in the freshness of the darkened flat. He talked with Mrs Hudson for almost three quarter of an hour before he heard the door opening. He stoop up and walked to the hall, from where shouting was coming.

"I told you John, I understand the slight inconvenience that my behaviour might have caused, but" "No, you don't. You don't even understand in which situation you put me, and you surely won't apologise. So, sod off. I'm tired of you and I need space."

Sherlock gave a wave to Greg when he pushed him to reach the staircase, accompanied by a muttered "hi gilbert". Greg turned toward him, starteld that he was totally clothed. He would have assumed he'd be the one running around in a sheet. But maybe John arrived to reason him and pushed him to put some clothes on.

Then, John entered the DI's field of view. He was bare chest, a bath towel  rolled around his hips and his hair stuck in the air with shampoo. Well, that was not expected.
"Ah, Greg! Why are you here? A new case?"
The DI raised an eyebrow and answered: "More like some idiot running half-naked down the street..."
John had the decency of looking self-conscious. He sighed and invited him upstairs.
"Do you mind waiting here a few minutes while I just wash my hair and put some clothes on? If you want there's tea in the left cupboard, sugar in the right one and the mugs are on the left side of the sink. Do not take the others, Sherlock's been doing some experiments with them lately. Help yourself, I'll be back in a minute."
When he came back, seven minutes later, his hair still a bit wet, Greg was sitting on the couch, a cup of tea in his hand. John reached to his chair and sat down. The DI sipped on his tea and asked: "So, what was all of that for? I've been called by many people complaining about a madman running around in the street, half naked. I mean, I was more expecting that kind of behaviour from Sherlock than from you. What happened?"
John chuckled, a slightly bitter smile on his face. "He's been an arse those days." "Sherlock?" "No, the skull. Of course Sherlock! He found funny to come and play the theme of psycho with his violin when I was showering!"

At those words, Greg had to bite his lips to avoid bursting out laughing. "Ahem, yes, I can see why it's annoying. But does that need that kind of reaction? I mean, he already did worse."

John sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "Yes, but this time, it was too much. We justed watched Psycho yesterday evening and he really scared the shit out of me. I kinda snapped. I'm sorry."

"Hm, hm I'm not gonna do anything right now except formaly telling you that this is a serious warning, because I can't do anything. You technically weren't breaking any law you weren't naked and it was the middle of the day, so the noise was not a problem either. I'll just have to tell Sherlock the same thing and I'll can go."

"It won't be necessary to repeat yourself, I heard you" said Sherlock, coming out of his room, straightening his cuffs. "And I won't do it again, I promise. But in my defence, I have to say you were slow with the income of cases. Those days were boring me out of my mind. It was awful, Gavin. Don't do it again and I won't either."

Greg smiled and said goodbye to John and Sherlock and went back to his normal boring day at the office. What would be his life without those two, that was the real question to his life.

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