Snoring #2

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Okay!! So this one has no prompts (ta-daaaaam!) and was suggested/asked by So here we go!!
Since that time where Sherlock has been buried under a pile of random stuff by John, it became a running joke between them.
Each time one of them was away for a few days, or sleeping, or even thinking -in Sherlock's case- the other would grab everything that comes at arm's length (except bricks) and pile it on their flatmate's bed, chair or on the flatmate himself when they could. It was a war.

Until now, John was winning 15 to 6 because of Sherlock's ability to lock himself in his mind palace, resulting in the fact that he realised only too late when he was buried under diverse objects.

But this time, he was not going to loose. He waited until John was sleeping in his chair after a long and exhausting day at the clinic to pile things on John's body. He began with some pillows and then he grabbed a fluffy blanket to wrap his flatmate into it. He smiled. At least, his flatmate would be comfortable.

Then, he went to his room and grabbed all the pillows and the blankets he could before walking back to the siting room, where John was still sound asleep in his chair. There, he proceeded to pile the new cushions onto his friend and he tucked the blankets around everything.

When all you could see of John was his face, surrounded by fluffy fabrics, he took a step back to admire his handiwork. As he did so, his gaze fell on the brick placed on the fireplace mantel. He knew that bricks were forbbiden, but his friend was wrapped burrito-style in soft objects so Sherlock elected by himself that he was in no danger and placed the brick at the pinnacle of the little mellow mountain and took a step back again, to take a picture this time.

As he did so, a muffled voice came from the chair :

"Sherlock, we said no bricks."

The detective crossed his arms over his chest, pouting :


"No buts." replied John. "Take that brick off of me."

Shelock tried to bargain :

"Only if you say I won the game."


"Okay, but I want it to be worth ten points!"

John looked a little bit annoyed in his blanket's burrito :

"Sherlock, if this is worth ten points, then you'll have sixteen points, which is one more than me, which would mean you'd win"

"Okay" the detective sounded disappointed. But suddenly, a new spark showed in his eyes. He carefully took the brick off of his flatmate, settled it on the floor and took his suit jacket off.

"Sherlock, what are yo- oooomphhh!"

John exahled sharply, all the air leaving his lungs when the detective jumped on him. Sherlock then nestled his way onto his friend's lap, burying his head in the crook of the soldier's neck.

John sighed in contentment and wrapped his arms around the lanky frame of his friend the best he could. He felt Sherlock smile softly against his skin. He was about to ask him why he decided to throw himself onto him, but the soft sensation of his friend's lips on his silenced him.

John leaned into the kiss, his hand finding by itself the way to Sherlock's hair, pulling carefully on the silky black curls. The movement earned him a muffled moan from the slender man against him.

When the air began to be too rare, they pulled away, not breaking their embrace.

"Is this worth ten points ?" asked the detective. John looked at him in awe, his hand still running back and forth on his flatmate's back :

"This is worth so much more than ten points"

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