Chapter Five

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Harlow took a seat on the bed and smiled at her. "I know this is a lot. I was in your shoes a few years back and it was...something." Mikayla nodded. "The things you're feeling...that unexplainable pull is because you are mated to them. Fate designed you for them and them for you. You won't feel complete without them and they will be a mess without you. I think you know that though, because once I realized what my mates were it all began to click."

"Mates? You have more than one too?" Harlow nodded. "I've got the anti-Christ, a werewolf and a vampire who so happens to be St. Valentine." Mikayla looked at her stunned. "It was shocking for me at first, but I can't deny that it's different for me," Harlow continued. "I'm not human." Mikayla's eyes widened. "I'm part witch...and part angel...and part demon." Harlow wanted to laugh at the facial expression on Mikayla's face, but she also worried that the poor woman was going to faint.

"I want to start off by saying you have NOTHING to be afraid of. Those men love you and wouldn't hurt a single hair on you. I won't hurt you either." Mikayla's eyes widened. "Love?! They don't even know me!" Harlow sighed. "Fair. However, that's not how the mate bond works. When they touch you, how do you feel?"

Harlow couldn't help but mimic the smile on Mikayla's face as she thought of the seven men plaguing her mind. "That's the bond. You are connected to them and they are connected to you. You all may not know each other in detail like humans aspire to know a spouse just yet, but love is very much so present and deep down you know that."

"I didn't know I wasn't human when I met my husbands. I thought I was, but I knew the supernatural was real because my cat Alistair is a demon. I heard him talk years before I met Damien, Wes and Val, so it took some of the shock factor when I saw them in their true forms."

Mikayla looked confused. "True forms?" Harlow sighed. "Those fools really didn't tell you anything did they. Almost every demon has a true form. I can show you mine to give you a picture." Mikayla was a little scared, but interested nonetheless and nodded.

At the sign of approval, Kali took over. "Hey girl hey!" Mikayla screamed before clutching her chest. Kali smiled at her. "Again, no need to be afraid. The name's Kali. I'm Harlow's demonic part." Mikayla looked over her red skin with black markings and completely black eyes.

"Does this mean the guys have demonic forms like this?" Kali tilted her head. "Yes and no. They were created as the antithesis of the Seven Virtues. They don't look like most demons per se. Their demonic form varies because of who they are. For example, Gluttony is a fifteen-foot chunk that looks kind of like Polyphemus."

"Pride and Wrath don't even have demonic forms, but I'll let them explain that bit to you." Mikayla nodded at the information. "What are you really afraid of, girl? I know that deep down you are well aware they won't hurt you. Honestly, they can't. It would physically pain them to see or feel you in any sort of agony."

Kali continued. "I know that from the moment you saw them you felt something visceral and realer than anything you've ever experienced. That's the mate bond. That's what it means to find your soulmate. I also know that each and every one of them is fine as fuck, so what's the issue." Kali noticed the jealous glare Mikayla gave her with her last remark and smirked. "This is all just too much and too crazy." Mikayla admitted finally causing Kali to shake her head.

"Look Ms. Girl, as a Black woman I know we're bred to try and make sense out of the nonsense we're given and be okay with it, but this isn't one of those times. This isn't nonsense and you have to stop trying to pin this down with logic or science."

Kali sighed. "This is spiritual and supernatural and it's your life from here on out. You can't unsee this. I'm not saying go and marry all seven of them and live happily ever after tomorrow, but I am saying that these are your soulmates and it will be in everyone's best interest if you at least see the facts for what they are and move forward accordingly."

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