Chapter Eighteen

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It was seven o'clock at night and the guys were in the kitchen groaning. The house had been full of moans and screams from Mikayla and grunts and curses from Gluttony.

"They've literally been at it all day. I thought I was the greedy one." Greed huffed causing Sloth to chuckle. "He's the last one. He's trying to leave an impression." Wrath smirked. "What are you making for dinner?" Envy asked Pride as he sat at the counter. "I wanted something simple, so I opted for a green bean casserole."

Greed, Envy, Lust and Wrath burst into tears laughing. "You're so fucking white!" Greed cackled before wiping his eyes. Pride scoffed at them. "You are all half white, fuckers!" They could tell they were hurting his feelings and didn't give a damn.

"Did you even use any seasoning?" Lust asked looking at the steamy dish on the counter. "I don't need this shit from you assholes!" Pride said storming out of the kitchen and towards Gluttony's room.

Mikayla was beyond worn out. Gluttony was insatiable and she should have been warned. He looked at her tired and spent body and smirked. His dick was still hard after numerous rounds, but he could tell she was done.

"Dinner's ready you freaks!" Pride called on the other side of the door. Mikayla couldn't move. She was certain she had died by orgasm three hours ago. "You want me to bring you dinner?" Gluttony chuckled quite proud of the state his mate was in.

"No. Sleep. Need. Go." He laughed at her before pecking her lips and leaving her to sleep. He knew she'd be out of it for the remainder of the night and reveled in the fact that he was the one to put her in that state.

"What did you do to our mate?" Lust chuckled. "We all got to feed...even Envy and Wrath." Gluttony laughed as he took a seat. "I fucked her on every surface in my room and bathroom. As you can see, she will not be joining us tonight." Greed chuckled.

"Good because I know her ass wouldn't want to eat no fucking green bean casserole." Envy and Lust began snickering. "I quite like your casseroles, brother." Gluttony offered with a smile before plating a large helping.

They each made a plate and took their seat. Pride watched with annoyance as Envy, Wrath, Lust and Greed added seasoning and spices to their plates. "Virus goes live December 10th." Wrath started.

"I've seen the possible outcomes from Fate and it looks amazing. Those bitches are going to wish they never tried to undo what we set in motion." They nodded in excitement.

"Wedding is set for October 18th. I know she doesn't want to start planning anything without her mother and Harlow, but it's less than two months away." Envy offered up.

"She's going to see her mother on Friday. That'll give us time to visit the Titans and get her ring made. Gluttony, you'll have to wait and see if she wants you to wear something specific, but the rest of us can just come in any kind of tuxedo." Greed said before taking a bite.

"True. I can't wait to see her in a wedding gown." Sloth sighed happily. "Yeah. She's going to look fucking gorgeous." Lust replied. Pride took in his brothers and smiled softly. "We're really fucking happy, aren't we?" They looked at him and nodded cheerfully.

"It scares the shit out of me to be honest," Wrath spoke up. "Me too." They all said in unison. "I just feel like something is going to go wrong. That something will happen to rip this piece of Heaven that we have away from us." Pride shook his head. "We won't let anything take her away from us. She's ours. She was mated to us by Fate who has grandfather's blessing on all their decisions. We're fine. We're better than fine. We're happy."

"Nothing is going to get in the way of our happiness or our mate's happiness and safety. Now, let's figure out a design for her ring that includes all of our input but is perfect for our Princess." Pride smiled as they all began throwing ideas around that they were sure Mikayla would love. They all agreed it had to be huge. They wanted every fucker to know she was taken and happily so.

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