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I grabbed the crystal which held my brother, making sure I had everything- perfect. Time to leave.

"Me living here is putting everyone at risk." I said, telling myself once again that what I was doing was right, "Everything will freeze in an eternal winter if I stay."

I sighed, looking at my home one more time before flying away.


Everything was great, I hid away in an icy village farther away than any other Empires would go without reason. Now I studied something. I could make them think me and Xornoth were the same and maybe they wouldn't come looking!

I wondered how that would look, Xornoth was supposedly dating Joey, but me and Jimmy... I sighed, it was for the best, maybe it would give me a bad name but I mean- what could be worse than a demon?!

-Days later-

The magic worked!

How did I know? I didn't. But it had to!

-Months Later-

"There! Done!" I smiled, I had just finished a small build, it looked perfect! I felt kind of lonely, at this point I had smashed my communicator so that no one could see where I was, or ask me. No one came looking, that was good.

I walked downstairs to the secret room which held the crystal, which held my demon brother, Xornoth. It was still there, perfect. Upstairs again- I hated it down here.

I ran up the stairs like a child, then closed the secret door, more stairs- another, this time not hidden, door. I now walked through the rest of my house, if you turn a few steps to the to the right that was my kitchen, then right again in my kitchen you get my storage, to the left was my bedroom and bathroom, and ahead was the front door. Pretty simple setup.

I walked to my bedroom, tossing myself onto the bed and well- laying there face down. Suddenly I felt cold, I sat up, looking around, ice hung from the ceiling right above me, it was shooting down, not far from my head, oh great.

Shush im going through an Empires phase now-
360 words

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